# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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A collections of builtin protobuf functions
from typing import Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from py4j.java_gateway import JVMView
from pyspark.sql.column import Column, _to_java_column
from pyspark.sql.utils import get_active_spark_context
from pyspark.util import _print_missing_jar
from pyspark.sql._typing import ColumnOrName
[docs]def from_protobuf(
data: "ColumnOrName",
messageName: str,
descFilePath: Optional[str] = None,
options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> Column:
Converts a binary column of Protobuf format into its corresponding catalyst value.
The Protobuf definition is provided in one of these two ways:
- Protobuf descriptor file: E.g. a descriptor file created with
`protoc --include_imports --descriptor_set_out=abc.desc abc.proto`
- Jar containing Protobuf Java class: The jar containing Java class should be shaded.
Specifically, `com.google.protobuf.*` should be shaded to
https://github.com/rangadi/shaded-protobuf-classes is useful to create shaded jar from
Protobuf files. The jar file can be added with spark-submit option --jars.
.. versionadded:: 3.4.0
data : :class:`~pyspark.sql.Column` or str
the binary column.
messageName: str, optional
the protobuf message name to look for in descriptor file, or
The Protobuf class name when descFilePath parameter is not set.
E.g. `com.example.protos.ExampleEvent`.
descFilePath : str, optional
The protobuf descriptor file.
options : dict, optional
options to control how the protobuf record is parsed.
Protobuf functionality is provided as an pluggable external module.
>>> import tempfile
>>> data = [("1", (2, "Alice", 109200))]
>>> ddl_schema = "key STRING, value STRUCT<age: INTEGER, name: STRING, score: LONG>"
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ddl_schema)
>>> desc_hex = str('0ACE010A41636F6E6E6563746F722F70726F746F6275662F7372632F746573742F726'
... '5736F75726365732F70726F746F6275662F7079737061726B5F746573742E70726F746F121D6F72672E61'
... '70616368652E737061726B2E73716C2E70726F746F627566224B0A0D53696D706C654D657373616765121'
... '00A03616765180120012805520361676512120A046E616D6518022001280952046E616D6512140A057363'
... '6F7265180320012803520573636F72654215421353696D706C654D65737361676550726F746F736206707'
... '26F746F33')
>>> # Writing a protobuf description into a file, generated by using
>>> # connector/protobuf/src/test/resources/protobuf/pyspark_test.proto file
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
... desc_file_path = "%s/pyspark_test.desc" % tmp_dir
... with open(desc_file_path, "wb") as f:
... _ = f.write(bytearray.fromhex(desc_hex))
... f.flush()
... message_name = 'SimpleMessage'
... proto_df = df.select(
... to_protobuf(df.value, message_name, desc_file_path).alias("value"))
... proto_df.show(truncate=False)
... proto_df = proto_df.select(
... from_protobuf(proto_df.value, message_name, desc_file_path).alias("value"))
... proto_df.show(truncate=False)
|value |
|[08 02 12 05 41 6C 69 63 65 18 90 D5 06]|
|value |
|{2, Alice, 109200}|
>>> data = [([(1668035962, 2020)])]
>>> ddl_schema = "value struct<seconds: LONG, nanos: INT>"
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ddl_schema)
>>> message_class_name = "org.sparkproject.spark_protobuf.protobuf.Timestamp"
>>> to_proto_df = df.select(to_protobuf(df.value, message_class_name).alias("value"))
>>> from_proto_df = to_proto_df.select(
... from_protobuf(to_proto_df.value, message_class_name).alias("value"))
>>> from_proto_df.show(truncate=False)
|value |
|{1668035962, 2020}|
sc = get_active_spark_context()
if descFilePath is not None:
jc = cast(JVMView, sc._jvm).org.apache.spark.sql.protobuf.functions.from_protobuf(
_to_java_column(data), messageName, descFilePath, options or {}
jc = cast(JVMView, sc._jvm).org.apache.spark.sql.protobuf.functions.from_protobuf(
_to_java_column(data), messageName, options or {}
except TypeError as e:
if str(e) == "'JavaPackage' object is not callable":
_print_missing_jar("Protobuf", "protobuf", "protobuf", sc.version)
return Column(jc)
[docs]def to_protobuf(
data: "ColumnOrName",
messageName: str,
descFilePath: Optional[str] = None,
options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> Column:
Converts a column into binary of protobuf format. The Protobuf definition is provided in one
of these two ways:
- Protobuf descriptor file: E.g. a descriptor file created with
`protoc --include_imports --descriptor_set_out=abc.desc abc.proto`
- Jar containing Protobuf Java class: The jar containing Java class should be shaded.
Specifically, `com.google.protobuf.*` should be shaded to
https://github.com/rangadi/shaded-protobuf-classes is useful to create shaded jar from
Protobuf files. The jar file can be added with spark-submit option --jars.
.. versionadded:: 3.4.0
data : :class:`~pyspark.sql.Column` or str
the data column.
messageName: str, optional
the protobuf message name to look for in descriptor file, or
The Protobuf class name when descFilePath parameter is not set.
E.g. `com.example.protos.ExampleEvent`.
descFilePath : str, optional
the Protobuf descriptor file.
options : dict, optional
Protobuf functionality is provided as a pluggable external module
>>> import tempfile
>>> data = [([(2, "Alice", 13093020)])]
>>> ddl_schema = "value struct<age: INTEGER, name: STRING, score: LONG>"
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ddl_schema)
>>> desc_hex = str('0ACE010A41636F6E6E6563746F722F70726F746F6275662F7372632F746573742F726'
... '5736F75726365732F70726F746F6275662F7079737061726B5F746573742E70726F746F121D6F72672E61'
... '70616368652E737061726B2E73716C2E70726F746F627566224B0A0D53696D706C654D657373616765121'
... '00A03616765180120012805520361676512120A046E616D6518022001280952046E616D6512140A057363'
... '6F7265180320012803520573636F72654215421353696D706C654D65737361676550726F746F736206707'
... '26F746F33')
>>> # Writing a protobuf description into a file, generated by using
>>> # connector/protobuf/src/test/resources/protobuf/pyspark_test.proto file
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
... desc_file_path = "%s/pyspark_test.desc" % tmp_dir
... with open(desc_file_path, "wb") as f:
... _ = f.write(bytearray.fromhex(desc_hex))
... f.flush()
... message_name = 'SimpleMessage'
... proto_df = df.select(
... to_protobuf(df.value, message_name, desc_file_path).alias("suite"))
... proto_df.show(truncate=False)
|suite |
|[08 02 12 05 41 6C 69 63 65 18 9C 91 9F 06]|
>>> data = [([(1668035962, 2020)])]
>>> ddl_schema = "value struct<seconds: LONG, nanos: INT>"
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ddl_schema)
>>> message_class_name = "org.sparkproject.spark_protobuf.protobuf.Timestamp"
>>> proto_df = df.select(to_protobuf(df.value, message_class_name).alias("suite"))
>>> proto_df.show(truncate=False)
|suite |
|[08 FA EA B0 9B 06 10 E4 0F]|
sc = get_active_spark_context()
if descFilePath is not None:
jc = cast(JVMView, sc._jvm).org.apache.spark.sql.protobuf.functions.to_protobuf(
_to_java_column(data), messageName, descFilePath, options or {}
jc = cast(JVMView, sc._jvm).org.apache.spark.sql.protobuf.functions.to_protobuf(
_to_java_column(data), messageName, options or {}
except TypeError as e:
if str(e) == "'JavaPackage' object is not callable":
_print_missing_jar("Protobuf", "protobuf", "protobuf", sc.version)
return Column(jc)
def _test() -> None:
import os
import sys
from pyspark.testing.utils import search_jar
protobuf_jar = search_jar("connector/protobuf", "spark-protobuf-assembly-", "spark-protobuf")
if protobuf_jar is None:
"Skipping all Protobuf Python tests as the optional Protobuf project was "
"not compiled into a JAR. To run these tests, "
"you need to build Spark with 'build/sbt package' or "
"'build/mvn package' before running this test."
existing_args = os.environ.get("PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS", "pyspark-shell")
jars_args = "--jars %s" % protobuf_jar
os.environ["PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS"] = " ".join([jars_args, existing_args])
import doctest
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pyspark.sql.protobuf.functions
globs = pyspark.sql.protobuf.functions.__dict__.copy()
spark = (
.appName("sql.protobuf.functions tests")
globs["spark"] = spark
(failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(
optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE,
if failure_count:
if __name__ == "__main__":