Transcriber’s Notes:

The Table of Contents was created by the transcriber and placed in the public domain.

Additional Transcriber’s Notes are at the end.


COMPANY B 18th Regiment Ohio Volunteers—Three Months Troops.

Descriptive Roll of the Company

Notes Col. Clarke—Capt. Buell.

Our Camps.

Captain Buell.

Title page.





APRIL 22, 1861 -:- APRIL 22, 1911



18th Regiment Ohio Volunteers—Three
Months Troops.

The company was recruited by Frank Buell, at Marietta, Ohio, who was at the time Captain of the “Union Blues,” an independent company of the Ohio militia. It was enrolled from the 15th to the 22nd of April, 1861, though a few men joined as late as May 27th, the date of our arrival at Marietta from Columbus, on our way into Virginia. Governor Dennison accepted Captain Buell’s tender of the company on April 17th, and our term of service dates from that time.

We left Marietta on Monday morning, April 22nd. The evening before, Sunday, the 21st, the company attended divine service at the Congregational church, where Rev. Thomas Wickes, D. D., the pastor of the church, delivered an earnest patriotic sermon. To this address, R. L. Nye, Esq., a member of the company, feelingly replied. Each member of the company was presented with a neat pocket edition of the New Testament by the Washington County Bible Society, through its president, Mr. Daniel P. Bosworth, Sr. At the close of this ceremony two of the members of the company, William Holden and Thomas H. North, were received into the church.

Just before embarking on the steamer “Lizzie Martin” for Zanesville, on the morning of the 22d, a beautiful silk flag, provided by the women of Marietta, was presented to the company by Melvin Clarke, Esq., in a short patriotic address, to which Captain Buell briefly but earnestly responded, giving the company’s pledge that the banner never would be disgraced in its hands. Fully 3,000 people were assembled at the time on the[4] “Common” in front of the Congregational church. I give the following description of the leave taking from the “Marietta Intelligencer,” of May 1st, 1861.

“... Then followed the leave-taking, a scene that cannot be described. Here were fathers and mothers hanging upon the necks of sons in a last long embrace, wives clinging to their husbands in agonies of distress, brothers bidding adieu to brothers, friend giving friend his farewell greeting. Scarcely a dry eye was to be seen in the immense crowd. But the sorrow of parting, though it caused the tears to flow abundantly, was mitigated by the thought that children, kindred and friends—all were responding to the call of duty, they were going to defend the government to which we all owe our safety—our very existence.

“The company was ranged on the hurricane deck, and as the boat moved out from the landing cheer upon cheer arose from the vast assemblage, hats were swung, handkerchiefs waved, and many a ‘God speed you,’ uttered, and the crowd slowly and sadly dispersed.”

On our way to Zanesville we were cheered at every landing, and at the more important points we were received with the most enthusiastic demonstrations. At Lowell, the home of Captain Buell, at Beverly, Windsor, McConnelsville, Malta, all day long cheers, addresses, salutes, and every demonstration that the bubbling spirit of patriotism could suggest were furnished until on our arrival at Zanesville we were fairly worn out with the overwhelming attentions of the people.

A letter written after our arrival at Columbus to the “Marietta Republican,” by Eli P. Boring, a printer who had volunteered from the force of that paper, gives so good a description of our journey that I gladly subjoin it in full:

“Columbus, Ohio, April 30, 1861.

“Col. McCormick:—After leaving Marietta we were received with ‘loud and long applause’ at every village along the Muskingum valley. At Lowell, (Capt. Buell’s home,) the whole neighborhood was on the bank of the canal. At Beverly patriotism was boiling over. The ladies on Sunday morning went to work and made a flag 54 feet long and well proportioned in width, and the gentlemen got a pole 60 or 75 feet long and raised[5] it within about 30 feet of the locks, and by the time we arrived there the flag was ‘proudly floating to the breeze,’ with men, women and children rallying around. Captain Barclay, with about 40 men for a ‘Home Guard,’ received us with three salutes, each man having a gun of some kind. At Windsor, Luke Chute, McConnelsville, and in fact every place along the river the people were out on the banks cheering for the Union and for the volunteers. We arrived at Zanesville about 12 o’clock midnight, and marched through several of the streets, led by our ‘Young America Brass Band,’ who received scores of compliments for their excellent music. We left Zanesville at 2:00 o’clock A. M. arriving here about 6 A. M., and it was 1 P. M. before any of the boys got their breakfast, and when they got it not one could eat, the meat being bad and the coffee very poor, but, through the influence of Mr. George W. Gili, we got good quarters on Thursday evening, where we have been ever since. After breakfast we march to Camp Jackson, and drill until 12 o’clock, then march back to our quarters and take dinner. In the afternoon we go through the same and return to supper. From 5 o’clock we have until 9 for our own use, and you can just bet high we make use of it. At 9:00 the roll is called and we retire to the loft of a very large brick barn with our blankets and each a good comforter. It is the general opinion that we will be sent back to Marietta or to Camp Dennison, to be kept as the reserve militia of Ohio, either of which will be protested against by every member of our company. We want to go where we can have something to do. There is not a man of us who can bear the idea of lying around a camp. If there is to be any fighting done we want a hand in it. We parted from our friends with the expectation of being in Washington city, or on our way to Fort Pickens or Fort Sumpter before this time. If there is any fighting done it will be a sore disappointment to all of us if we do not have a mix.

“E. P. B.”

As friend Boring states we arrived at Columbus about 6:00 A. M. We were marched up to the State House and spent the day about the grounds. We had a meal about 1 o’clock P. M., at the “Goodale House,” but so many hungry men had preceded us that but little to eat was left and that little was of poor quality and poorly cooked and served.


Some of our boys had friends in the city and were invited to dinner with them and thus fared sumptuously. The first night we were quartered in the basement of the state house, where we slept on beds of straw upholstered with small lumps of coal. The next night we quartered in the rotunda of the capitol building, sleeping on the marble floor with neither straw nor coal to temper the springs of our beds. The next day we went to “Camp Jackson,” now “Goodale Park.” Here we spent some four weeks, drilling and learning the other duties of soldiers. On Thursday, the 25th, we were given quarters at the Ohio Penitentiary, taking our meals there and sleeping on the parlor and office floors and in the loft of a large barn adjoining the prison. Our meals during the time we were quartered here were taken at the mess table of the officers of the prison and were very satisfactory and a great improvement over our camp fare. We remained here about two weeks, when we returned to our barracks in camp. During our stay at the Penitentiary we spent the hours between meals at the camp drilling, etc.

Our patience was sorely tried during this period for we were very anxious to be assigned to a regiment and to get into the field. Some of our members finding opportunity to get into regiments that were going into active service sought transfers and left us. Among these I now recall R. L. Nye and Frank Bosworth, who entered the 17th O., J. Mills Kendrick, who found a position in the Adjutant General’s office, at Columbus, and “Dick” (Richard H.) Green, who recruited a company for the 25th Ohio, three year service, and became its captain. However, we at length were assigned to the 18th O. as Co. B. Capt. Buell was a modest man, without political “pull,” and our representative in the legislature, Hon. John Haddow, while a patriotic, level headed, well meaning man, was inexperienced in political wire pulling, and was no match for the men of large experience and great cheek, who were constantly wedging themselves in and wedging us out. Both Mr. Haddow and Captain Buell were blamed for these delays, but I am satisfied that they both did the best they could. Buell was scarcely more than a boy, being but 23 years old, and he could not be expected to cope with men of greater experience and less conscience.

But at last the order came for us to “break camp” and it[7] was received with uproarious delight. We left “Camp Jackson” on May 23rd for Loveland, where we changed cars for Athens. We arrived there on the 24th and were mustered into the service by Major Joshua W. Sill,[1] of the regular army.

After spending a few days here in “Camp Scott,” we departed for Marietta on the evening of the 27th. Arrived at Marietta about 11 o’clock in the evening and marched up to “Camp Putnam,” where we spent the night. Co. K, Captain John Henderson, of Beverly, accompanied us to Athens, from “Camp Jackson.”

At Marietta we found a number of other companies of the regiment assembled.

On the morning of the 28th the company was formed and marched down town to show our home people the improvement we had made in our military education. After an exhibition of our skill in military evolution and an hour or two spent with our friends, we returned to camp. At this time quite a number of recruits joined the company and were mustered in. Immediately after dinner we received marching orders. We left camp about 3:00 P. M. and marched down town and across the bridge to Harmar, where in due time we boarded cars and pulled out for Parkersburg.

We crossed the river at Parkersburg on the railroad ferry boat “Webster,” and moved out to the farm of a Mr. Hutchins, adjoining Judge Stephenson’s. We were the first to camp on this ground, afterwards throughout the war known as “Camp Union,” the name given it that day by Captain Buell.

Our tents and baggage did not arrive until about 11 o’clock P. M. During the night a cold rain set in and some of the boys, John T. Booth and others, got one of the tents pitched, which was the first tent put up in “Camp Union.”

The other tents were pitched early in the morning and soon things began to look more cheerful. The 14th Ohio, Col. Steedman, from Toledo, had encamped in Parkersburg previous to our arrival, but they occupied the railroad depot, being without tents.


Today, the 29th, an election for field officers of the regiment was held with the following result:

Colonel, Timothy R. Stanley, of Athens; Lieut. Colonel, Capt. William Bolles, of Company C, Ironton, and for Major, our Second Lieutenant, William H. Bisbee, of Marietta.

We received our first accoutrements today: knapsacks, haversacks, canteens, caps, socks, etc.

Thursday, May 30th—Early this morning orders came to “strike tents” and prepare to move. We marched down to the railroad track and there waited until about 2:00 o’clock P. M., when our train arrived and we started off eastward. During our wait Col. Stanley addressed the regiment. The people of Parkersburg gave us a good dinner, today. We moved slowly out, while our friends who had congregated to see us off gave us hearty cheers and God speed. We were now in high spirits as we were at last “in the field,” after five weeks of weary waiting, and disappointments. Our train, however, soon stopped when a corporal and six men were told off and left to guard the trestle near by. This was repeated until well toward evening Capt. Buell and his remaining 20 men were disembarked at what was afterwards known as the “Burnt Bridge,” over Walker’s Creek, half a mile west of Petroleum station. Co. A, Captain John McMahon, was also left here with us. This bridge, about 60 feet in length, had been burned by the enemy, two nights before. After a meager supper we were taken up and stationed for the night on the top of an abrupt eminence overlooking the bridge, where we spent the night anxiously waiting for a prowling enemy. Practically every man of the company was on guard. Two prowlers came to the neighborhood of the bridge during the night and one of Co. A fired on them, but without known effect.

May 31—About dark the Captain with a detail of men made a trip down the railroad track, about three miles, to a tunnel, guarded by Corporal Holden and a squad of six men. He talked with the dwellers along the line and after hearing the corporal’s report of an attack upon him the night before, which he and his command gallantly beat off, we returned to camp, arriving about 11 P. M.

After supper we camped down as best we could for the[9] night, receiving orders, however, to be ready at daylight on the morrow to go on the march.

Today, (June 1), contrary to expectations, we remained in camp all day.

June 2—Were called out about an hour before daylight and started for a point called California, on the N. Western Pike, at which place, one Clark, hotel keeper, was reported to have concealed a large store of arms and ammunition, and where the young men of the neighborhood were in the habit of meeting to drill. After diligent search and finding nothing of a warlike character we passed on to “Goose Creek.” Spent most of the day in searching houses of the citizens suspected of disloyalty. In one house an enraged citizen was poked out of a wheat bin in his loft, by John T. Booth, who had put his bayonet on his gun for the purpose of “feeling round” in the bin. He came out of that bin with his fighting clothes on. Returning we reached camp early in the evening. During our absence a rumor reached camp that we were in a tight place and a part of company A was sent out to succor us. They had a long hard march for nothing, but, we were learning the trade of soldiering and it all counted.

Last night and today, (June 3), a down pour of rain visited us and our bridge, almost completed, is in danger of being carried away. Wm. Scott went home on sick leave today.

June 4.—The rain kept up all night and our bridge was partially swept away. A large number of soldiers detailed to assist in getting out timber for repairing the structure. On June 5, trains were again crossing the bridge.

On June 6, a “Liberty Pole” was erected at Petroleum station, and when the flag was run up Companies A and B under command of Captain McMahon saluted it with three rounds.

June 7.—Captain Buell returned from Parkersburg, where he had been on orders, on an early train. Following this came another on which was our scattered squads, who had been relieved. We joined them and were soon under way eastward. Stopping a few moments at Ellenboro to permit the “Express” to pass, we moved on to “Toll Gate” station, where Co. B was disembarked, and went into camp. Our duty here[10] was to guard another “burnt bridge,” near the station. Co. K, Captain Henderson, went into camp just east of us. This evening, our stock of soft bread having run low, and the boys not having as yet quite fallen in love with our “cylinder heads” as they termed our big round hard biscuit—the Captain detailed a squad of us to take a barrel of flour on a hand car to Ellenboro, nine miles back, and have it turned into bread. Arriving at Ellenboro about dark we distributed the flour among a number of the families of the village and by 9 o’clock in the evening we had a fine supply of good bread and biscuits. We reached camp about midnight. This was a foolhardy performance, especially at night. The trains were not only off time but extras were moving constantly. Between our camp and Ellenboro there was at least one very long tunnel and it is a marvel that we were not run down by one of these trains. The people of Ellenboro were so kind and hospitable to us that it is safe to say none of that squad will ever forget our novel but delightful experience there.

Under this date the Marietta Republican says: “The ladies of Marietta have furnished many articles for the comfort of the Washington County Volunteers, now in Virginia. The Havelock or linen shades to be worn on their caps will be appreciated this hot weather and so will the canteens.” This “Havelock” was well meant but on a hot day the “shade” as the editor called it seemed to keep the air from circulating about the neck and rather increased than allayed our discomforts, and they were soon discarded. The writer still preserves his in his collection of war relics.

“June 8.—Today we held an election for Second Lieutenant to fill the vacancy created by the election of Lieut. Bisbee as Major of the regiment. A number of candidates were voted for. After the first ballot the contest narrowed down to three, Jewett Palmer, Jr., who received a plurality on the first ballot, Wallace W. Hill and Oscar Underwood. After the second ballot Underwood was dropped, and on the third ballot, after a spirited contest, Hill was elected, by a majority of five.” The writer felt very proud of his support when he reflected that six weeks before he had not known half a dozen men in the company. Hill was a fine soldier, and distinguished himself later[11] in the war as commander of his battery, “C,” 1st W. Va., Light Artillery.

Sunday, June 9.—Quietly in camp.

On June 10, about 11 o’clock P. M., Capt. Buell with about 50 men of his company and a like number from Co. K, under Capt. Henderson, set out for a point some ten miles distant, where it was reported a native had a quantity of arms and equipments stored. The force reached and surrounded the place about daylight—stirred out the garrison—one man, a not overly bright woman, an idiotic child and a rifle, with an old broken flint lock. By careful maneuvering the command succeeded in reaching camp about 11 o’clock A. M., without the loss of a man.

On June 11th, Col. H. B. Canington, Adjutant General of Ohio, and Col. T. R. Stanley, accompanied by the “McArthur Cornet Band,” our regimental band, paid us a brief visit and passed on to Parkersburg.

On June 12.—Col. Stanley called at the camp of Company K, on his way east and made the boys a brief address. During the day we had a visit from Hon. Geo. P. Buell, of the “Cincinnati Times,” a brother of Captain Frank’s, Dr. Hall, of Harrisville, Va., and Ed. C. Skinnard, clerk in the Marietta P. O. The latter brought a quantity of mail for us from the folks at home.

On June 13 our first blouses were received and while they were being distributed a train “whistled in” and the order was given to strike tents and load up. We were soon under way and arrived at Clarksburg about noon. After an hour’s wait we moved on to Bridgeport, about 6 miles beyond. Here we left the cars and marched out about a mile north of the village to the Sandusky farm, where we went into what proved to be the pleasantest camp of our three months’ experience. Situated on a gentle elevation covered with a solid turf, with plenty of shade and good water near at hand, we here enjoyed our soldier life to the utmost. Company A rejoined us here and the camp was under the command of Captain McMahon. We remained here four weeks, until July 13th, drilling, guarding railroad bridges and tunnels, taking in an occasional “secesh” prowler and making ourselves generally useful. The next day after our arrival some generous hearted neighbor came into camp with a wagon load of bread, butter, milk and other edibles, a free offering[12] which we greatly enjoyed. During our stay here the people of Bridgeport and the surrounding country placed us under constant obligations for like generous treatment. The remembrance of this kindness is fresh in the minds of all the survivors of the two companies.

On the 18th, our Major, W. H. Bisbee, visited the camp and the boys, especially of Co. B, gave him a warm greeting.

On the 2nd of July, Sergt. T. G. Field, Corporals Holden and Haskins, and privates Palmer, Pixley, Stanley, Vickers and drummer Fougeres, went home on furlough for a few days.

On this day also our Drum Major, Ebenezer Corey, returned to camp from Marietta with ten recruits for the band: George Jenvey, William Jenvey, Charles Holden, H. M. Langley, John Tenney, James Judd, Henry Corey, Frank Brenan, Fred Regnier and Wm. H. Smith.

While in camp here privates William Holden and Charles P. Wilson were detailed at the request of Lieut. John C. Paxton, our Regimental Quartermaster, for clerks in his office at Clarksburg, where the headquarters of the regiment were located.


For some days the people of the vicinity and the men in camp had been preparing for a celebration of the day and by 8:00 o’clock in the morning the people began to arrive with wagons loaded with bread and butter, cakes, pies, roast chicken, roast pigs and dainties innumerable. Our camp had been thoroughly policed and put in prime order, and the camp guard had strict orders for the night before not to permit any one to pass out and no passes were given. This was to prevent any of the boys from visiting an “Apple Jack” distillery located not far from camp. The Captains were to put their best foot forward in their part of the day’s displays and did not want the “spirits” mixed, when the time for parade came. A number of long tables had been erected in the shade of the trees near camp and these were early covered with the superabundant supplies. Scores of young ladies came with the crowds and they were the waiters at the dinner. By 9:00 o’clock the crowd on the ground numbered fully one thousand. At 10 A. M. came the drill, followed by a dress parade. The exhibition embraced[13] manual of arms, company evolutions, volley firing, etc., to the great enjoyment of the people.

The boys felt proud of their part of the day’s doings and were complimented highly for their efficiency. After the military show was over violins were brought out and soon soldiers and citizens, the young ladies especially, were joined in the dance on the green sward under the branches of the great oaks. Games of many kinds were indulged in—swings were put up and liberally patronized by the youngsters, and all hands enjoyed themselves in various ways until the dinner hour. At 12:30 dinner was announced, when the companies fired “three rounds” as the closing act of the forenoon’s programme. Just at this time a train load of enthusiastic soldiers and citizens arrived from Grafton and other points east of us and Co. B formed and marched over to Bridgeport and escorted them to camp. The dinner was a great success. Five times the tables were filled and cleared of food and guests. No one was neglected or turned away hungry. After dinner a member of Co. A delivered a well prepared address in an impressive manner. He was followed by Capt. Buell in a brief and spirited address, and he by an elderly minister of the locality, whose name has escaped me. Songs, sentimental, military and comic, fife and drum and violin music were interspersed and a most enjoyable day all too rapidly drew to a close.

From July 5th to the 13th, the routine of camp duties went on as before, but on that day marching orders were received. By 5:00 o’clock P. M., tents were struck and taken to the station, except a few left to shelter the men detailed to guard camp in our absence. We soon were under way eastward.

Our train now held the full regiment, the first time we had come together as such since leaving Parkersburg, May 29th. We arrived at Oakland on the morning of the 14th, and lay in camp until the afternoon of the 15th, when, Whitelaw Reid says, “About 5:00 o’clock P. M., Gen. Hill moved with the 5th and 18th Ohio regiments from Oakland in a diagonal line to the bridge on the Northwestern Pike, over the west branch of the Potomac, at which point he was to be joined by Col. Irvine’s command from Red House, intending to turn the enemy’s right and cut them off before they could reach Petersburg. Here, at[14] the bridge a dispatch was received from McClellan informing Hill of the action at Carrick’s Ford and the death of Garnett.”

We “marched over the Allegheny mountains, a distance of 35 1/2 miles in 24 hours, after leaving Oakland. At 4:00 o’clock the next morning (17th) Gen. Hill, with about 800 picked men in light marching order started for an additional forced march but after moving five miles was overtaken by a courier with a dispatch from McClellan ordering him to return.”

We returned leisurely to Oakland and there went into camp, remaining until the morning of the 23rd of July, when the regiment took cars for the west. We reached Bridgeport about the middle of the afternoon and after getting our camp guards and equipage aboard moved slowly on to Clarksburg. Here we went into camp until the 30th when we again took cars for Parkersburg and home! While in camp at Clarksburg a call was made for volunteers to go to Rosecrans, on Gauley, where he was about to engage in battle with Gen. Floyd’s forces.

The regiment was drawn up in line and a call made upon those who were willing to go to step out five paces to the front. Not a score of men left their places in the ranks. Our time had expired on the 17th, and many of the men had already made arrangements to enter the three years’ service in other organizations and were anxious to get home and take up the new work.

We jogged along nearly all night, 30th-31st, side-tracking for eastbound trains, nearly all of which carried troops. As we were nearing Parkersburg early in the day of the 31st a man belonging to Co. I, fell from the top of a car and was mortally hurt, dying a day or two later. At Parkersburg we took the railroad ferry steamer, “Daniel Webster,” for Marietta, the same boat that brought us to Parkersburg in May. We arrived off Harmar about 2:00 o’clock P. M. The banks on both sides of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers were lined with our friends, who had assembled to bid us welcome.

The “Putnam Light Artillery,” of Marietta, boomed forth a loud-mouthed welcome. The boat rounded to near the “Point.” Here we disembarked and after a warm greeting by our friends, fell in and marched through the city to “Camp Putnam.” The whole population seemed to be out and our march was a continuous ovation. Before “Camp Putnam” was reached[15] Co. B was reduced to a platoon. Many of the town boys quietly slipped out of ranks and accompanied their friends home. About the middle of the following forenoon the regiment was drawn up in line in Camp Putnam, when Col. Stanley gave us a few final words of farewell, and we were dismissed until such time as we should be called together for final muster-out and pay. On August 30th, the following call appeared in the Marietta papers:


“Companies B and K, 18th Regiment, O. V. M., will be paid off at Marietta, on Thursday, Sept. 5th prox. All members are ordered to rendezvous at the time and place appointed, to receive their money and discharges.



Marietta. O., Aug. 30, 1861.”

The following is a


with the after service in the army of each member so far as the same has been ascertained. The names of those who have died are marked with a *.

* CAPTAIN, FRANK BUELL—Commissioned captain of Battery C, 1st West Virginia Light Artillery, January 25th, 1862, and commanded the same until his death. He was mortally wounded at Freeman’s Ford, Virginia, August 22nd, 1862, and died next day at Bealton Station, Va., and his remains buried there.

* FIRST LIEUTENANT, DENNIS O’LEARY.—Commissioned Senior First Lieut. Battery C, 1st West Va. Light Artillery, January 25th, 1862. Mustered out with battery April 22nd, 1865.

* SECOND LIEUTENANT, WILLIAM H. BISBEE.—Elected Major of the regiment at its organization, May 29, 1861. Did not re-enter the service.

* SECOND LIEUTENANT, WALLACE W. HILL.—Elected 2nd Lieut. of the company June 22, 1861, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Lieut. Bisbee to Major. Commissioned Junior 1st Lieut. of Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, January 25th, 1862, and promoted to Captain, October 16, 1862,[16] and commanded the battery from that time until its muster out of the service, April 22, 1865.

* FIRST SERGEANT, JOHN G. THEIS.—Commissioned Senior 2nd Lieut. of Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, January 25, 1862, and Junior 1st Lieut., October 16, 1862, to date from August 1, 1862. Mustered out with battery, April 22, 1865.

* SECOND SERGEANT, DANIEL Y. HILL.—Mustered out with the regiment, August 28, 1861. Did not again enter the regular service.

* THIRD SERGEANT, OWEN O’NEILL.—Sergeant Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery, April 22, 1865. Afterwards served 25 years in the Regular Army and was on the retired list of the army at the time of his death, May 7, 1907.

* FOURTH SERGEANT, THEODORE G. FIELD.—First Sergeant Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to 2nd Lieut., December 1, 1863. Mustered out with the battery. Brevetted Major U. S. Volunteers after the war.

FIRST CORPORAL, WALLACE W. WITHROW.—Commissioned 2nd Lieut., Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, January 25, 1862. Resigned, December 28, 1862, on account of disability from wounds received in action.

* SECOND CORPORAL, JOHN D. HOLDEN.—Commissioned 2nd Lieut., Battery K, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, October 10, 1861. Promoted to 1st Lieut., February 19, 1862. Resigned, March 27, 1862.

* THIRD CORPORAL, SAMUEL C. SKINNER. Did not re-enter the service.

* FOURTH CORPORAL, GEORGE B. HASKINS.—Commissioned 1st Lieut., Battery K, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, October 10, 1861. Resigned November 2, 1862.

* MUSICIAN, EBENEZER COREY.—Promoted to Drum Major, June 6, 1861. Was afterwards Drum Major and Principal Musician of the 36th Ohio Infantry. Served three years.

* MUSICIAN, MANLY WARREN.—Mustered out with the regiment. Did not re-enter the service.

* MUSICIAN, LOUIS FOUGERE.—Joined Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery as a private. Mustered out with battery.


* AMOS, MORDECAI—Enlisted as a private in Co. B, 77th Ohio Infantry, October 14, 1861. Mustered out with regiment March 8, 1866.


BAUER, JACOB—Enlisted in Co. L, 1st Ohio Cavalry, Jany. 5, 1864. Mustered out with regiment October 6, 1865. Waverly, West Va.


BOOTH, JOHN T.—Sergeant Co. G, 36th Ohio Infantry, August 12, 1861. Mustered out on expiration of term of service. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, Cuban and Philippine war and surgeon 40th U. S. Volunteer Infantry by appointment of President McKinley. Mustered out at expiration of service. Cincinnati, O.

* BORING, ABSALOM—Enlisted in Co. L, 1st Ohio Cavalry, Jan 5, 1864. Mustered out with regiment, September 26, 1865.

BORING, ELI P.—Did not re-enter service.

BRAGG, BENJAMIN—Mustered out July 29, 1861. Sergeant Co. A, 36th Ohio Infantry. Promoted to 2nd Lieut., March 8, 1865. Mustered out with regiment July 27, 1865. Veteran.

Lieut. Bragg has the best record for continuous unbroken service of any member of the company. His enlistment in the 18th Ohio bears date April 17, 1861, and his entry into service with the 36th Ohio was of date July 29th, 1861, two days before the 18th Ohio was disbanded, and 29 days before the formal muster out of that regiment. Lieut. Bragg and the writer were in the field in West Virginia in the three years service when the 18th was mustered out and paid and neither of us received the balance of pay due for our 3 months service until after the war closed.

BUKEY, ALEXANDER H.—Private in Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, appointed corporal on its organization and promoted to Sergeant, August 1, 1862. Mustered out with battery. Veteran. Washington, D. C.


* CALVERT, JOHN D.—Private Co. K, 60th Ohio Infantry, October 17, 1861. Promoted to Sergeant, February 25, 1862. Mustered out November 10, 1862. Private 176th O. Infantry, February 17, 1865. Transferred to Co. A, 18th O. Infantry, June 28, 1865. Mustered out Oct. 9, 1865.

* CLAUS, HENRY—Did not re-enter the service.

* CLOGSTON, CHARLES W.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Appointed corporal on its organization, promoted to Sergeant December 19, 1862. Veteran.

CLOSE, DANIEL—Private Battery A, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery.

CONIFFE, PETER L.—Did not re-enter the service.


* COREY, JOSEPH.—Private Co. G, 63rd Ohio Infantry. Promoted to Sergeant. Died at Camp Clear Creek, Miss., July 19, 1862.

* DAILEY, THOMAS C.—Private Battery H, 1st O. Light Artillery, August 6, 1862. Appointed Corporal January 7, 1863. Promoted to Sergeant —— —— ——, mustered out with battery.

* DAVIS, JETHRO.—Private Co. B, 39th O. Infantry, Nov. 26, 1863. Corporal March 16, 1865. Mustered out July 9, 1865.


* DEVIN, GEORGE W.—Did not re-enter the service.

* DIBBLE, HANNIBAL.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

DOW, DAVID.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Appointed Corporal on its organization, promoted to Sergeant, December 19, 1862. Mustered out with battery. Veteran. Marietta, Ohio.

DRISCOL, THOMAS.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

* DYAR, THOMAS.—Mustered out July 21, 1861. Private Co. F, 39th O. Infantry, July 21, 1861. Mustered out Aug. 12, 1864 on expiration of his term of service.

FAIRHURST, JEREMIAH.—Private Battery K, 1st O. Light Artillery, Sept. 15, 1861. Appointed Sergeant on its organization. Wounded May 9, 1864. Discharged for disability May 9, 1865. Veteran.

* FISHER, THOMAS.—Mustered out Aug. 12, 1861 to enter service in Co. G, 36th O. Infantry. Private Co. G, 36th O. Infantry. August 12, 1861. Severely wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Discharged for disability. Entered Co. K, 2nd O. Heavy Artillery as Sergt., July 7, 1863. Appointed 1st Sergt., July 1st, 1864. Promoted to 2nd Lieut., March 18, 1865. Not mustered. Mustered out with regiment Aug. 23, 1865.



GILLINGHAM, MILTON.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry. Appointed Corporal, Sept. 19, 1864. Mustered out with regiment.


* GREEN, ALLEN.—Discharged.



* HENNING, HENRY.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Died in hospital at Washington, D. C., Oct. 13, 1863.

* HENNING, JOHN.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery —— —— ——. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

HOLDEN, WILLIAM.—Commissioned 1st Lieut. and Quarter Master 2nd W. Va. Cavalry, Oct. 23, 1861. Resigned March 13, 1862. Appointed Captain and A. Q. M., U. S. Volunteers and served as such to the close of the war. Cincinnati, O.

* KROPP, AUGUST.—Mustered out July 20, 1864. 39th O. Infantry, July 20, 1861. Promoted to 1st Sergeant, and to 1st Lieut., July 3, 1862. Resigned April 1, 1864.

LA GRANGE, LA FAYETTE D.—Private Co. B, 9th O. Cavalry, Nov. 8, 1862. Promoted to Corporal —— —— ——. Mustered out with Co., July 20, 1865. Hoskinsville, Ohio.

LAUGHLIN, MILTON H.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Appointed Corporal. Mustered out with Battery. Veteran.

LIVING, FREDERICK.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Veteran. Letart, W. Va.

* LOUFMAN, PHILIP L.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

* McCULLOUGH, JOHN.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Discharged Feby. 19, 1862 on surgeon’s certificate of disability.

McNAMARA, THOMAS.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry. Discharged Dec. 16, 1861 on Surgeon’s certificate of disability.

* MINER, JOHN N.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

* MINER, WESLEY.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, March 30, 1862. Promoted to Sergeant and to 2nd Lieut. January 12, 1863. Resigned April 4, 1863.

* MIRABEN, LEONIDAS R.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to Sergeant. Mustered out with Battery. Veteran.

* MORRIS, AUGUSTUS.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

MORSE, WILBUR F.—Private Co. G, 36th O. Infantry. Appointed[20] Sergeant on its organization. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1864, on expiration of term of service. Bevier, Mo.

MEIGHAM, JOHN.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

NORTH, THOMAS H.—Private Co. G, 36th O. Infantry, August 12, 1861. Appointed Sergeant on its organization. Mustered out on expiration of term of service. Kist, Oregon.

PADDEN, ANTHONY.—Lancaster, O.

PALMER, JEWETT, JR.—Mustered out August 12, 1861 to accept promotion as Captain Co. G, 36th O. Infantry. Promoted to Major May 9, 1864. Resigned Nov. 30, 1864. Veteran. Marietta, O.

* PARKER, JAMES S.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Discharged June 14, 1863 on Surgeon’s certificate of disability.


* PHELPS, THOMAS.—Appointed Q. M. Sergeant Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery on its organization. Mustered out with Battery. Veteran.

PIXLEY, GEORGE.—Did not re-enter the service. Mansfield, O.

PIXLEY, WALLACE W.—Private Battery H, 1st O. Light Artillery, Nov. 10, 1861. Promoted to Sergeant, to 1st Sergeant and to 2nd Lieut. Served a time as acting Quarter Master of the Artillery Brigade of the 6th Army Corps. Mustered out July 3, 1865. Veteran. Marietta, O.

QUINBY, DANIEL W.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, January 4, 1864. Mustered out September 26, 1865. Was also private in Co. A, 87th Ohio, for three months. Belle Plaine, Kas.

* RANGER, JOHN.—Private Battery H, 1st O. Light Artillery, Oct. 21, 1861. Mustered out October 21, 1864 on expiration of term of service.

* RANGER, WM. H.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Mustered out with Battery. Veteran.

* REIGNEY, MILTON.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Discharged May 1, 1862 on Surgeon’s certificate of disability.

* REPPERT, WALTER.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Feby.[21] 1st, 1863. Promoted to Corporal Sept. 19, 1864. Mustered out with regiment Sept. 26, 1865.

* RIPLEY, P. S.—Private Co. C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with Battery. Veteran.

* ROBINSON, WILLIAM.—Did not re-enter the service.

* SCHERER, PETER.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery.


* SHAW, JOHN L.—Did not re-enter the service.

SHIRES, ROBERT.—Musician Co. D, 63rd O. Infantry. Appointed Principal Musician, July 21, 1862. Mustered out with the regiment. Veteran.

* SHOCKLEY, DAVID.—Bugler, Battery H, 1st O. Light Artillery, October 28, 1861. Mustered out with battery. Veteran.

* SHOOP, HUGH.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Promoted to Corporal. Discharged Dec. 19, 1862.

SMITH, JOHN W.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Discharged March 2, 1863, on Surgeon’s certificate of disability.

* SNODGRASS, WILLIAM H.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Promoted to Corporal but was reduced at his own request. Mustered out with company Sept. 26, 1865. Veteran.

* STANLEY, JAMES.—First Lieutenant, Co. G, 36th O. Infantry, August 12th, 1861. Promoted to Captain Co. D, June 6, 1862. Mustered out on expiration of term of service.






* THORNILEY, THOMAS R.—Private Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn, August 23, 1864.

TUCKER, ABNER.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Discharged on Surgeon’s certificate of disability, January 13, 1863. Marietta, O.



* UNDERWOOD, OSCAR.—Second Lieutenant Co. L, 1st O. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1861. Resigned May 31, 1862.

* VICKERS, GEORGE.—Private Co. F, 39th O. Infantry, Dec. 12, 1861. Mustered out with regiment. Veteran.


WEST, GORDON B.—Private Co. G, 77th O. Infantry, March 12, 1862. Promoted to Sergt. Major, April 1, 1862. Severely wounded, April 6, 1862 at Shiloh. Promoted to 2nd Lieut. Co. G, February 11, 1863, and to 1st Lieut. and Regimental Q. M., March 29, 1865. Commissioned Captain, March 7, 1866, but not mustered. Mustered out with regiment, March 8, 1866.

WILSON, CHARLES P.—Private Co. F, 79th O. Infantry. Served as clerk in the Adjutant General’s department, East Tenn. Nov. 6, 1863, commissioned 1st Lieut. and Adjutant of 2nd North Carolina Mounted Infantry. Resigned August ——, 1864. Pomona, Cal.


The ten recruits brought to the regiment June 18, by Major Corey, were nearly all boys, whom some one very aptly dubbed “The Pony Section.” Our company being entitled to but two musicians, and having our complement already, these boys were assigned to the other companies of the regiment and were borne upon their rolls, but as the Drum Corps remained with Co. B nearly all the term of our service they were treated as Co. B boys and I append to that of the regular roll of the company their after service.

BRENAN, FRANK R.—Bugler, Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery. Mustered out with battery. Marietta, O.

COREY, HENRY.—Musician, (drummer), Co. G, 36th O. Infantry. Mustered out with regiment, July 27, 1865. Veteran. Moulton, Iowa.

* HOLDEN, CHARLES.—Private Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, March 30, 1862. Died at Centerville, Va., Dec. 7, 1862.

JENVEY, GEORGE K.—Bugler, Co. F, 2nd W. Va. Cavalry, November 19, 1861. Re-enlisted, January 1, 1864. Mustered out with regiment. Veteran. Washington, D. C.


JUDD, JAMES G.—Musician, (drummer), Co. I, 36th O. Infantry, Aug. 12, 1861. Mustered out with regiment July 27, 1865. Veteran. Marietta, O.

* LANGLEY, HENRY M.—Enlisted in Battery C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery at its organization. Appointed 2nd Lieut., Oct. 16, 1862. Resigned April 22, 1863.

* REGNIER, FREDERICK.—Private Battery H, 1st O. Light Artillery, Oct. 17, 1861. Mustered out Nov. 17, 1864, at expiration of term of service.


* SMITH, WM. H.—In gunboat service on western rivers.

TENNEY, JOHN.—Musician, (fifer) Co. E, 36th O. Infantry, Aug. 31, 1861. Appointed Principal Musician, Sept. 10, 1864. Mustered out with regiment. Veteran. Broken Arrow, Okla.

On the expiration of our term of enlistment nearly all the members of the company re-entered the service. I have found but nine who are known not to have re-entered the army, and most of these did more or less militia duty from time to time during the war. Those reentering the service were distributed as follows:

“Buell’s Battery”—C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery29
Battery A, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery1
1st Ohio Cavalry13
36th Ohio Infantry8
1st O. Light Artillery, Battery H5
1st O. Light Artillery, Battery K2
39th Ohio Infantry4
77th Ohio Infantry2
63rd Ohio Infantry2
60th Ohio Infantry1
79th O. and 2nd N. C. Mounted Infantry1
9th O. Cavalry1

Of the members of the “Pony Section,” 3 went into “Buell’s Battery,” 3 into the 36th O. Infantry, 1 into the 2nd W. Va. Cavalry, 1 into Battery H, 1st O. Lt. Artillery and 1 into the Gunboat service.


Of those who re-entered the service 21 became commissioned officers and almost all the others became non-commissioned officers. I have accounted for 75 of the company, leaving 24 unaccounted for. The names of these stand on the roll with no explanatory remarks appended.

Those known to have died number 56; those known to be living, 19; unascertained, 24.

The formal muster out of the regiment dates August 28, 1861. The muster in of Co. B dates April 17, 1861, making the term served by the company 4 months and 11 days.

In closing this sketch I want to return my hearty thanks to Dr. John T. Booth, of Cincinnati, Ohio, for the kind loan of his invaluable diary of “Three months with the 18th Ohio Infantry 3 months troops.” By its help I have been enabled to fix dates and locations for which I had no other resource. I have drawn largely too from his narrative, at times using his very language, for which I had his generous warrant. He was a member of the company and afterwards spent three years in the service with the 36th O. Infantry. He is the historian of that regiment, his unpublished history of which is an inexhaustive mine of information.


A strange coincidence is that of the similar deaths of Colonel Clarke and Captain Buell. Within 18 months from the morning upon which Col. Clarke presented to our company the beautiful flag mentioned as the gift of the women of Marietta and its acceptance by Captain Buell, both had fallen in battle, Col. Clarke leading his regiment, the 36th O. Infantry, at Antietam, Maryland, and Captain Buell commanding his battery, C, 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, at Freeman’s Ford, Virginia.

(From the “Marietta Intelligencer” of May 1, 1861.)

“The following is a part of a communication from one who occasionally contributes to our columns. It is a worthy tribute to the stranger volunteer.

“... But I cannot close without paying a passing tribute to the noble heroism of one of the volunteers who left us, today. I[25] saw in the ranks a young German who evidently was a stranger here. I was told that he was simply on a visit to this country, but seeing the hour of peril upon us he boldly stepped into the ranks of those brave and true hearts who have just left us. As they moved down to the boat and friends were taking a final parting, he burst into tears, saying: ‘I have no friends here to bid me good bye.’ I need not say how a chord was struck by those simple words which went to every heart; his hands were grasped with a fervor which told that such noble self-sacrifice claimed the homage of every true heart.”

John T. Booth, in his diary under date of June 19th, in camp near Bridgeport, Va., notes: “I received a letter today from Miss Mary J. Krewson, of Birmingham, opposite Pittsburg, Pa. (the lady who at the close of the war became my wife.) We were playmates when about three years of age.” (Note—Dr. Booth and his good wife are both living and enjoying the comforts of an ideal home at No. 3646 Central avenue, Cincinnati, O.)


Our first, at Columbus, was “Camp Jackson,” now beautiful Goodale Park. At Athens, where we spent but a few days, our camp was by some called “Camp Jewett,” but I remember it as “Camp Scott.” At Marietta, “Camp Putnam.” At Parkersburg, “Camp Union,” so christened by Captain Buell. At the first “burnt bridge,” near Petroleum Station, on the B. & O. railroad, our camp took the name of “Camp Whip po’will” from the nocturnal and lugubrious serenades furnished us by this strange bird. Our next camp near Toll Gate Station, being located in an old pasture field, covered with briars, was dubbed “Camp Briar Patch,” by Manly Warren, a name that stuck.

We next went into camp near Bridgeport on the beautiful farm of a Mr. Sandusky and for him we named our camp “Sandusky.” We remained at Oakland but a few days and I think no name was given this uncomfortable camping place.

The following resolution, with others, was adopted by the boys while we were quartered at the Ohio Penitentiary:


“Resolved, that this company owes a debt of gratitude to G. W. Gill, and to John A. Prentice, Warden of the Ohio Penitentiary, for relieving this company from the subterranean vaults of the State Capitol and furnishing them with comfortable quarters due to civilized and intelligent citizen soldiers....

R. L. NYE, Secy. T. G. FIELD, Chairman.”

The following from the “Marietta Republican” of May 24, notes the one loss by death that came to us during our whole term of service.

“George W. Ridgeway, one of the Marietta Volunteers, was taken sick at Columbus and discharged. A short time after he got home he died, and was buried at Rainbow, last Sunday (19th) with the honors of war by the Union Blues and the Defiance Infantry Company.”


I have made no effort to prepare a biography of Captain Buell, the sketch is itself in a way a biography. He is the central figure of my little history and aside from his work with the Pierpoint Battery it gives a full history of his service.

He was born at Lowell, Washington county, Ohio, April 24, 1837, and was the youngest son of Perez B. and Elizabeth (Rector) Buell. His 23rd birthday he spent in “Camp Jackson,” at Columbus, two days after leaving Marietta with his company. He had chosen the profession of the law and was Prosecuting Attorney of Washington county when the war broke out. He was killed in battle at Freeman’s Ford, Fauquier county, Virginia, August 22, 1862.

At the time of his death he had been selected for a higher command and had he lived a few days longer would have received substantial promotion in the artillery arm of the service. His distinguished bearing had attracted the attention of such soldiers as Generals Siegel and Milroy, the Chief of Artillery of the 11th Corps and others.

His remains were buried at Bealton Station and in the following December were removed to the family burying ground located on the old home farm, at Lowell. His comrades of Battery[27] C erected a handsome monument at his grave soon after the close of the war.

In the preparation of the foregoing pages I have been actuated by a desire to place in convenient and permanent form the simple facts connected with the company’s modest service. We were not only the first from Washington county to respond to the president’s call for volunteers but were the first from all southeastern Ohio. Only 9 of the 220 companies of three months’ volunteers, accepted by the government antedated our enrollment (these were dated the 16th) and but 17 others bore even date with us.

I have attempted simply to state facts in as plain a way as possible that may be of value so far as they go to the future searcher in this pioneer service of the war. The work has taken considerable time and labor but it has been one of pleasure and I shall be more than repaid if it meets with the approval of my surviving comrades and the friends of Captain Buell and his pioneer company of patriotic volunteers.


Marietta, O., April 22, 1911.


[1] Afterwards Colonel of the 33rd Ohio Infantry. Promoted to Brigadier General after the battle of Perryville. Killed at the battle of Stone river, Dec. 31st, 1862.

Transcriber’s Notes:

The one footnote has been moved to the end of the text and relabeled.

Punctuation has been made consistent.

Variations in spelling and hyphenation were retained as they appear in the original publication, except that obvious typographical errors have been corrected.

p. 12, p. 16: Name is given as Fougeres on p. 12 and Fougere on p. 16.

p. 23: Entries in the table do not sum to the total listed.