
Series.swaplevel(i: Union[int, Any, Tuple[Any, …]] = - 2, j: Union[int, Any, Tuple[Any, …]] = - 1, copy: bool = True) → pyspark.pandas.series.Series[source]

Swap levels i and j in a MultiIndex. Default is to swap the two innermost levels of the index.

i, jint, str

Level of the indices to be swapped. Can pass level name as string.

copybool, default True

Whether to copy underlying data. Must be True.


Series with levels swapped in MultiIndex.


>>> midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['a', 'b'], [1, 2]], names = ['word', 'number'])
>>> midx  
MultiIndex([('a', 1),
            ('b', 2)],
           names=['word', 'number'])
>>> psser = ps.Series(['x', 'y'], index=midx)
>>> psser
word  number
a     1         x
b     2         y
dtype: object
>>> psser.swaplevel()
number  word
1       a       x
2       b       y
dtype: object
>>> psser.swaplevel(0, 1)
number  word
1       a       x
2       b       y
dtype: object
>>> psser.swaplevel('number', 'word')
number  word
1       a       x
2       b       y
dtype: object