# calgen - calender generator
# 14 November 2001, Arthur Keys
# Modified December2002
# Purpose: automate schedule generation for rotating shift

# Default Variables
@monthconv = qw(. January Febuary March April May June July August September October November December);
@crew = qw(andy bob tom);
$beginday = "28";    # \
$beginmonth = "2";   #-- Date to count from
$beginyear = "2002"; # / 
$rotate = "3"; # Day That Begins New Shift, 0 = sunday

# Default Values
$debug = "0"; # print bug catches
$hash = "0";  # print data hash
$plain = "0"; # print plain text schedule
$html = "1";  # print html schedule
get_date(); #$month = "4"; $year = "2002";

# Read Options
@args = @ARGV;
# Hash of options
$option{'-h'} = opt_help;
$option{'-help'} = opt_help;
$option{'-H'} = opt_header;
$option{'-F'} = opt_footer;
$option{'-p'} = opt_plain;
$option{'-w'} = opt_html; 
# Options Subroutines
sub opt_help
 calendar generator
 calgen [month] [year] {options}

 flag:  option: description: 
 -h     -help   help*
 -H     -header print header file
 -F     -footer print footer file
 -w     -html   print output in html format*+
 -o     -file   specify an output file
 -m     -month  specify calendar month*+
 -y     -year   specify calendar year*+
 -f     -future number of future months to generate
 -p     -plain  print plain text output*

*currently implemented options
+default options
 Configuration file:
 $print_output = "0";

sub opt_header
 print "opt header\n";
sub no_out
 $html = 0;
 $plain = 0;
 $hash = 0; 

sub opt_plain
$plain = 1;
$html = 0;

sub opt_html
$html = 1;
$plain = 0;

# Run arguments against options for match
for $argcount (0 .. $#ARGV){
  if (exists($option{$ARGV[$argcount]})){
   $sub =  $option{$ARGV[$argcount]};

# Parse Args
@arg = @ARGV;
if ($arg[0] =~ /\d/){
  $month = @arg[0];
  $year = @arg[1];

# Groom Input
if ($month > 12){$month = 12};
if ($year < $beginyear){$year = $beginyear};
if ($year > 4000){$year = 4000};

# Get current month and year
sub get_date
  @cal = `cal`;
  @a = split (/\s/,$cal[0]);    
  $year = $a[4];
  for $i (0 .. $#monthconv){
    if ($a[3] eq $monthconv[$i]){$month = $i;}
  if ($debug == "1"){print "\n\nCurrent Month-Year -$month-$year-\n\n";}

# Generate Calender Data
@monthdata = `cal $date[$datecount]`;
# Calculate Offset
$offsetyear = $year - $beginyear;
$offsetmonth = $month - $beginmonth;

# Count Switch Days
$crewcount = 0; 

for $yearcount($beginyear .. $year){
  if ($debug == 1){print "$yearcount\n";}
  $frommonth = 1;
  if ($yearcount == $beginyear) {$frommonth = $beginmonth;} 
  #$frommonth = $yearcount == $beginyear ? $month :$beginmonth;
  if ($yearcount == $year) {$tomonth = $month;}
  for $monthcount($frommonth .. $tomonth){
    if ($debug == 1){print "    $monthcount\n";}
    @current = `cal $monthcount $yearcount`; 
    if ($monthcount == $beginmonth){ $fromweek = $beginweek; }
    for $weekcount(1 .. 6){ # 2-7
      if ($debug == 1){print "          $weekcount\n";}

sub parse_day{
#$cday = substr($current[$week], ($rotate - 1)*3,3); # get date *3
#chop $cday;
#if ($monthcount == $beginmonth and $daycount == $beginday){$firstswitch = 1;}
for $daycount(0 .. 6){
  $date = substr($current[$weekcount+1], $daycount * 3,3);
  chop $date;
  #$tru = 0;
  #if ($date =~ /\d/){$tru = 1};
  if ($debug == 1){print "                       $daycount date:$date $crewcount\n"};
  if ($monthcount == $beginmonth and $date == $beginday){$firstswitch = 1;}
  if ($firstswitch == 1 and $date=~ /\d/){
      if ($daycount == $rotate){
      if ($crewcount == $#crew + 1){$crewcount = 0};
    $datelist{$yearcount}{$monthcount}{$weekcount}{$daycount} = $date;
    $crewlist{$yearcount}{$monthcount}{$weekcount}{$daycount} = $crew[$crewcount];
#if ($cday =~ /\d/ and $firstswitch == 1){
#  $friday[$day] = $cday;   
#  $pin = $crew[$crewcount];   
#  for $wc ( 0 .. 6){
#    print "                    $wc\n";
#    $crewset[$monthcount][$friday[$day]+$wc] = $pin;
#    $crewset[$monthcount+1][$wc] = $pin;
#    if($monthcount == 12){$crewset[1][$wc] = $pin};#debug
#  }
#  $crewcount++;
#  if ($crewcount == $#crew+1){
#  $crewcount = 0;
#  }
#  $day++;

# Output
#@current = `cal $month $year`;
#for $week (2 .. 7){
  #print "\n\n Week " . ($week-1) . "\n";
  #print "\n";
#  for $daycount (0 .. 6){
#    $day = substr($current[$week], $daycount*3,3); #
#    chop $day;
#    if ($day =~ /\d/){
#      #print "$day $crewset[$month][$day] ";  
#      $daydata[$day] = $crewset[$month][$day];
#      $weekdata[$week-2][$daycount] = $crewset[$month][$day];
#      $weekdays[$week-2][$daycount] = $day;
#    } 
#  }

# Print Data Hash
if ($hash == 1){
for $keya (keys %datelist){
  print "$keya\n";
  for $keyb (keys %{$datelist{$keya}}){
    print "     $keyb\n";
    for $keyc (keys %{$datelist{$keya}{$keyb}}){
      print "           $keyc\n";
      for $keyd (keys %{$datelist{$keya}{$keyb}{$keyc}}){
        print "                 $keyd";
        print " $datelist{$keya}{$keyb}{$keyc}{$keyd}";
        print " $crewlist{$keya}{$keyb}{$keyc}{$keyd}\n";
print "\n";

# Convert output: weekdays, weekdata
for $weekcount(0 .. 6){
  for $daycount(0 .. 6){
    $weekdays[$weekcount][$daycount] = $datelist{$year}{$month}{$weekcount}{$daycount};
    $weekdata[$weekcount][$daycount] = $crewlist{$year}{$month}{$weekcount}{$daycount};

# Plain Text Output
if ($plain == 1){
 $wei = "5";
if ($weekdays[5][0] == ""){$wei = "4"};
  for $n(1 .. $wei){
    print "Week $n\n";
    for $n2(0 .. 6){
      print "$n2: $weekdays[$n][$n2]";
      print " $weekdata[$n][$n2]\n";
    print "\n";

# HTML Output
if ($html == 1){
<head><title>Scheduled Center: Oncall Schedule</title></head>
<base href="http:///">
<body bgcolor="#002200" text="#EEEEEE" link="#FFFF99" vlink="#FFFF99" alink="#FFFF99">
<font size=+2><b>Oncall Schedule</b></font><p>
<font size=+1>Oncall Cell Phone: xxx.xxx.xxxx</font><br>
<font size=-1>Rotation changes at 9am</font>

<table border=1>

print "  <tr><td colspan=7>$monthconv[$month]</td></tr>";

    <th width=60>Sun</th>
    <th width=60>Mon</th>
    <th width=60>Tue</th>
    <th width=60>Wed</th>
    <th width=60>Thu</th>
    <th width=60>Fri</th>
    <th width=60>Sat</th>


$wei = "5";
if ($weekdays[5][0] == ""){$wei = "4"};
  for $n(1 .. $wei){
    print "  <tr>";
    for $n2(0 .. 6){ 
      print '    <td>';
      print $weekdays[$n][$n2];
      print '<br>';
      print $weekdata[$n][$n2];
      print '</td>';
      print "\n";
    print '  </tr>';
    print "\n";

} # End of HTML Output