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GeoIP -
Library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping
dbus-libs -
Libraries for accessing D-BUS
dbus-x11 -
X11-requiring add-ons for D-BUS
freetype-devel -
FreeType development libraries and header files
libX11-devel -
Development files for libX11
libcurl -
A library for getting files from web servers
libgudev1 -
Libraries for adding libudev support to applications that use glib
net-snmp-libs -
The NET-SNMP runtime libraries
openssl-devel -
Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
perl-Git -
Perl interface to Git
poppler -
PDF rendering library
ppp-devel -
Headers for ppp plugin development
spice-glib -
A GObject for communicating with Spice servers
spice-gtk-python -
Python bindings for the spice-gtk-2.0 library