========== file primitives for scratch file editor ========== define(PREV,0) define(NEXT,1) define(MARK,2) define(SEEKADR,3) define(LENG,4) define(BUFENT,5) define(MAXBUF,1000) define(LINE0,1) common /cbuf/ buf(MAXBUF), lastbf character buf # structure of pointers for all lines: # buf(k+0) PREV previous line # buf(k+1) NEXT next line # buf(k+2) MARK mark for global commands # buf(k+3) SEEKADR where line is on scratch file # buf(k+4) LENG length on scratch integer lastbf # last pointer used in buf common /cscrat/ scr, scrend integer scr # scratch file id integer scrend # end of info on scratch file # clrbuf (scratch file) - dispose of scratch file subroutine clrbuf include cscrat # string scrfil "scratch" integer scrfil(8) data scrfil(1)/LETS/ data scrfil(2)/LETC/ data scrfil(3)/LETR/ data scrfil(4)/LETA/ data scrfil(5)/LETT/ data scrfil(6)/LETC/ data scrfil(7)/LETH/ data scrfil(8)/EOS/ call close(scr) call remove(scrfil) return end # gettxt (scratch file) - locate text for line, copy to txt integer function gettxt(line) integer getbuf, getind integer j, k, line include cbuf include cscrat include ctxt k = getind(line) call seek(buf(k + SEEKADR), scr) call readf(txt, buf(k + LENG), scr) j = buf(k + LENG) + 1 txt(j) = EOS gettxt = k return end # inject (scratch file) - insert lin after curln, write scratch integer function inject(lin) character lin(MAXLINE) integer getind, maklin, nextln integer i, k1, k2, k3 include clines for (i = 1; lin(i) ~= EOS; ) { i = maklin(lin, i, k3) if (i == ERR) { inject = ERR break $@$ k1 = getind(curln) k2 = getind(nextln(curln)) call relink(k1, k3, k3, k2) call relink(k3, k2, k1, k3) curln = curln + 1 lastln = lastln + 1 inject = OK $@$ return end # maklin (scratch file) - make new line entry, copy text to scratch integer function maklin(lin, i, newind) character lin(MAXLINE) integer addset, length integer i, j, junk, newind, txtend include cbuf include cscrat include ctxt maklin = ERR if (lastbf + BUFENT > MAXBUF) return # no room for new line entry txtend = 1 for (j = i; lin(j) ~= EOS; ) { junk = addset(lin(j), txt, txtend, MAXLINE) j = j + 1 if (lin(j - 1) == NEWLINE) break $@$ if (addset(EOS, txt, txtend, MAXLINE) == NO) return call seek(scrend, scr) # add line to end of scratch file buf(lastbf + SEEKADR) = scrend buf(lastbf + LENG) = length(txt) call putlin(txt, scr) scrend = scrend + buf(lastbf + LENG) buf(lastbf + MARK) = NO newind = lastbf lastbf = lastbf + BUFENT maklin = j # next character to be examined in lin return end # setbuf (scratch file) - create scratch file, set up line 0 subroutine setbuf integer create integer k include cbuf include clines include cscrat # string scrfil "scratch" integer scrfil(8) # string null "" integer null(1) data scrfil(1)/LETS/ data scrfil(2)/LETC/ data scrfil(3)/LETR/ data scrfil(4)/LETA/ data scrfil(5)/LETT/ data scrfil(6)/LETC/ data scrfil(7)/LETH/ data scrfil(8)/EOS/ data null(1) /EOS/ scr = create(scrfil, READWRITE) if (scr == ERR) call cant(scrfil) scrend = 0 lastbf = LINE0 call maklin(null, 1, k) # create empty line 0 call relink(k, k, k, k) # establish initial linked list curln = 0 lastln = 0 return end