This program can save&load multiple named workspaces (or "workgroups"). If you find a bug - please post it here: Quick start, - `wg-create-workgroup' to save window&buffer layout as a work group - `wg-open-workgroup' to open an existing work group - `wg-kill-workgroup' to delete an existing work group Optionally, you can use minor-mode `workgroups-mode' by put below line into .emacs , (workgroups-mode 1) Most commands start with prefix `wg-prefix-key'. You can change it before activating workgroups. Change prefix key (before activating WG) (setq wg-prefix-key "C-c z") By default prefix is: "C-c z" C-c - create new workgroup C-v - open existing workgroup C-k - delete existing workgroup Change workgroups session file, (setq wg-session-file "~/.emacs.d/.emacs_workgroups") Support any special buffer (say `ivy-occur-grep-mode'), (with-eval-after-load 'workgroups2 ;; provide major mode, package to require, and functions (wg-support 'ivy-occur-grep-mode 'ivy `((serialize . ,(lambda (_buffer) (list (base64-encode-string (buffer-string) t)))) (deserialize . ,(lambda (buffer _vars) (switch-to-buffer (wg-buf-name buffer)) (insert (base64-decode-string (nth 0 _vars))) ;; easier than `ivy-occur-grep-mode' to set up (grep-mode) ;; need return current buffer at the end of function (current-buffer))))))