Evaluate expressions in a separate Emacs process: ,--- | ;;; `with-emacs' | | ;; Evaluate expressions in a separate Emacs. | (with-emacs ...) | | ;; Specify the version of Emacs and enable lexical binding | (with-emacs :path "/path/to/{version}/emacs" :lexical t ...) | | | ;;; `with-emacs-server' | | ;; Evaluate expressions in server "name" or signal an error if no such server. | (with-emacs-server "name" ...) | | ;; Evaluate expressions in server "name" and start a server if necessary. | (with-emacs-server "name" :ensure t ...) | (with-emacs-server "name" :ensure "/path/to/{version}/emacs" ...) | | ;; Kill server after 100 minutes of idle | (with-emacs-server "name" :ensure t :timeout 100 ...) | | ;; Set default timeout for every new server: | (setq with-emacs-server-timeout 100) | (with-emacs-server "name" :ensure t ...) | | ;; Disable default timeout temporary: | (with-emacs-server "name" :ensure t :timeout nil ...) | | | ;;; `with-emacs-define-partially-applied' | | ;; Generate functions with partial parameters applied | (with-emacs-define-partially-applied | (t nil t) | (24.3 "/path/to/emacs-24.3") | (24.4-t "/path/to/emacs-24.4" t)) | ;; => | ;; with-emacs-t ;; applied `:lexical t` | ;; with-emacs-24.3 ;; applied `:path "/path/to/emacs-24.3"' | ;; with-emacs-24.4-t ;; applied `:path "/path/to/emacs-24.3" :lexical t' `--- See README for more information.