* Intro This package allows adding virtual comments to files in buffers. These comments don't belong to the files so they don't. They are saved in project root or a global file which can be viewed and searched. The file name is .evc. * Virtual comments A virtual comment is an overlay and it is added above the line it comments on and has the same indentation. The virtual comment can be single line or multiline. Each line can have one comment. * Install Spacemacs layer: https://github.com/thanhvg/spacemacs-eos Vanilla (require 'virtual-comment) (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'virtual-comment-mode) * Commands - virtual-comment-make: create or edit a comment at current line - virtual-comment-next: go to next comment in buffer - virtual-comment-previous: go to previous comment in buffer - virtual-comment-delete: remove the current comment - virtual-comment-paste: paste the last removed comment to current line - virtual-comment-realign: realign the comments if they are misplaced - virtual-comment-persist: manually persist project comments - virtual-comment-show: show all comments of current project in a derived mode - virtual-comment-show-delete-display-unit-at-point: delete comment from virtual-comment-show buffer from outline-mode, press enter on a comment will call virtual-comment-go to go to the location of comment. Commands to link to other location (reference): - virtual-comment-remember-current-location store the current location - virtual-comment-add-ref add the stored location (reference) as comment - virtual-comment-goto-location go to location There are no default bindings at all for these commands. * Remarks It's very hard to manage overlays. So this mode should be use in a sensible way. Only comments of files can be persisted. * Test cask install cask exec ert-runner * Other similar packages and inspirations https://github.com/blue0513/phantom-inline-comment https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InPlaceAnnotations Changelog 2022-09-20 0.5.1 - bug fix: check for evc existing before backup - actually update version 2022-09-16 0.5.0 - won't create .evc if there is no comment for the project - only save data if there is change - if can't parse the evc file copy it to .evc.error 2022-09-12 0.4.1 back up to .evc.bk when saving data 2022-02-28: 0.4 virtual-comment-show-delete-display-unit-at-point 2021-11-01: 0.03 virtual-comment-make create its own buffer to get input, no longer use read-from-minibuffer 2021-09-27: 0.02 add location/reference