This is a game inspired by The Typing Of The Dead on the Dreamcast. That game itself is a parody of The House Of The Dead. In the latter, players use a light gun to shoot zombies and other undead. In the former, players have to *type* the names of the undead in order to shoot them. The Typing Of Emacs is the parody of the parody, since there are no undead (except possibly for the user staring at Emacs). In order to play, choose any buffer and type M-x typing-of-emacs RET to start the game. Traditionally used files are the source code of the package, the Emacs NEWS file, and words file. In order to install, put this file somewhere on your `load-path' and add (autoload 'typing-of-emacs "The Typing Of Emacs, a game." t) to your ~/.emacs file. Note that this package will create a highscore list for you. The name of the file is stored in `toe-highscore-file'. Set it to nil if you don't want yet another dot file to clutter your home directory.