This package provides a number of additional transient infixes and switches. In particular, the following are defined: - `transient-extras-file-list-or-buffer' a defined argument that can be used in a transient. It contains either the current buffer, the name of the current file, or the names of the files currently marked in `dired'. - The class `transient-extras-exclusive-switch', which allows for command line switches with defined options to be cycled through. This is similar to `transient-switches', but the `choices' slot is a list of cons cells, `(value . label)', with label used for display. Ex: (transient-define-argument lp-transient--orientation () :description "Print Orientation" :class 'transient-extras-exclusive-switch :key "o" :argument-format "-oorientation-requested=%s" :argument-regexp "\\(-oorientation-requested=\\(4\\|5\\|6\\)\\)" :choices '(("4" . "90°(landscape)") ("5" . "-90°") ("6" . "180°"))) - The class `transient-extras-option-dynamic-choices' allows for the options for option values to be determined dynamically. This is particularly useful for programs which are configurable for what the values are, or may need more complex logic to determine them at run time. It does so through the use of a `choices-function', as shown below. (transient-define-argument transient-extras-a2ps-printer () :class 'transient-extras-option-dynamic-choices :description "Printer" :key "P" :argument "-P" :choices-function (transient-extras-make-command-filter-function "a2ps" '("--list=printers") (lambda (line) (when (and (string-match-p "^-" line) (not (string-match-p "Default" line)) (not (string-match-p "Unknown" line))) (substring line 2)))) :prompt "Printer? ") To simplify this, two additional functions are provided: `transient-extras-make-command-filter-function' and `transient-extras-filter-command-output'. The first takes three arguments, a program to run, a list of argument to pass to it, and a function to filter lines, with nils removed; it then returns a closure which calls the second.