This library strives to be the most accurate possible with title-casing sentences, lines, and regions of text in English prose according to a number of styles guides' capitalization rules. It is necessarily a best-effort; due to the vaguaries of written English it's impossible to completely correctly capitalize aribtrary titles. So be sure to proofread and copy-edit your titles before sending them off to be published, and never trust a computer. INSTALLATION and USE: Make sure both titlecase.el and titlecase-data.el are in your `load-path', and `require' titlecase. You should then be able to call the interactive functions defined in this file. ; CUSTOMIZATION: Only two customization options are probably going to be of any interest: `titlecase-style' (the style to use for capitalizing titles), and `titlecase-dwim-non-region-function', which determines what to do when `titlecase-dwim' isn't acting on a region. If you want to use your own title-casing code, or a third party, you can customize `titlecase-command' to something other than its default. One possibility is, written John Gruber and Aristotle Pagaltzis: