Sourced other themes to get information about font faces for packages. I. Installation A. Manual installation 1. Download the `timu-spacegrey-theme.el' file and add it to your `custom-load-path'. 2. In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (load-theme 'timu-spacegrey t) B. From Melpa 1. M-x package-install RET timu-spacegrey-theme RET. 2. In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (load-theme 'timu-spacegrey t) C. With use-package In your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs': (use-package timu-spacegrey-theme :ensure t :config (load-theme 'timu-spacegrey t)) II. Configuration A. Dark and light flavour By default the theme is `dark', to setup the `light' flavour: - Change the variable `timu-spacegrey-flavour' in the Customization Interface. M-x customize RET. Then Search for `timu'. or - add the following to your `~/.emacs.d/init.el' or `~/.emacs' (setq timu-spacegrey-flavour "light") B. Scaling You can now scale some faces (in `org-mode' for now): - `org-document-info' - `org-document-title' - `org-level-1' - `org-level-2' - `org-level-3' More to follow in the future. By default the scaling is turned off. To setup the scaling add the following to your Emacs configuration. 1. Default scaling This will turn on default values of scaling in the theme. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-document-title t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-document-info t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-1 t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-2 t) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-3 t) 2. Custom scaling You can choose your own scaling values as well. The following is a somewhat exaggerated example. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-document-title 1.8) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-document-info 1.4) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-1 1.8) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-2 1.4) (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-scale-org-level-3 1.2) C. "Intense" colors for `org-mode' To emphasize some elements in org-mode. You can set a variable to make some faces more "intense". By default the intense colors are turned off. To turn this on add the following to your Emacs configuration. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-org-intense-colors t) D. Muted colors for the dark flavour You can set muted colors for the dark flavour of the theme. By default muted colors are turned off. To turn this on add the following to your Emacs configuration. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-muted-colors t) E. More contrast for the foreground You can set the =default= foreground to be more contrasted. By default the option are turned off. To turn this on add the following to your Emacs configuration. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-contrasted-foreground t) F. More contrast for comments & docs You can set the comments & docs to be more contrasted. - `font-lock-comment-delimiter-face' - `font-lock-comment-face' - `tree-sitter-hl-face:comment' - `tree-sitter-hl-face:doc' By default the option are turned off. To turn this on add the following to your Emacs configuration. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-contrasted-comments t) G. Border for the `mode-line' You can set a variable to add a border to the mode-line. By default the border is turned off. To turn this on add the following to your Emacs configuration. (customize-set-variable 'timu-spacegrey-mode-line-border t) III. Utility functions A. Toggle dark and light flavour of the theme M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-dark-light' RET. B. Toggle between intense and non intense colors for `org-mode' M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-org-colors-intensity' RET. C. Toggle between borders and no borders for the `mode-line' M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-mode-line-border' RET. D. Toggle italic faces on or off M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-italic-faces' RET. E. Toggle toggle more contrast for the foreground on or off M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-contrasted-foreground' RET. F. Toggle toggle more contrast for comments and docs on or off M-x `timu-spacegrey-toggle-contrasted-comments' RET.