* ~tikz~ A minor mode to edit TikZ pictures with Emacs ~tikz~ is a minor mode for creating TikZ diagrams with Emacs as an alternative to QtikZ. ** Installation - You should have a running environment of LaTeX. - You should install the [[https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura/][Zathura]] viewer, or change the default configuration. - Copy this file into your =init.el= or load it or use =M-x package-install RET tikz=. ** Using it - Create a Tex file with your favourite preamble. - Once you have fixed the preamble in your document, launch the TikZ mode. #+begin_example M-x tikz-mode #+end_example - Now, when you are in idle time, the pdf will be refreshed automatically with the content of the current buffer. - Every time you modify your preamble, you must turn off/on the TikZ mode. ** Screenshot On the left side, Emacs with a LaTeX buffer with minor mode TikZ. On the right side, Zathura viewing the pdf. [[file:graphics/tikzscreenshot.png]] ** Configuration - You can select another pdf viewer. Modify =tikz-zathura= with your chosen viewer. - You can modify the idle timer to update the pdf. Modify =tikz-resume-timer=. ** How it works - It copies the current TeX buffer into a temp file. - [[https://ctan.org/pkg/mylatexformat][Pre-compile the preamble]]. - Pdftex the temp file. - It uses Zathura to view the pdf. - In idle time, copy the current buffer to the temp file and compile it. Zathura automatically refreshes the view. ** Alternatives - QtikZ ** Acknowledgement Partially supported by PGC2018-098623-B-I00.