A remote web access to emacs ============================ Starts a web server allowing access to emacs through a webpage. Take off from the terminal and make your emacs climb to the cloud. Security -------- There is no security in this module at all! If you plan to use this on a non local, secure network you must secure the access yourself. To secure you can use an SSH tunnel, an SSH SOCKS proxy or a reverse HTTPS proxy. Installation ------------ ### Automatic package based installation Available in the melpa repository. If not present, add melpa to the list of archives (in your .emacs): (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t) Download and install: M-x package-install RET take-off RET ### Manual installaion Make sure the web-server dependency is installed https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-web-server In your emacs configuration file (.emacs) : (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/take-off") Run --- Loading take-off: (require 'take-off) The following starts the web-server: (take-off-start ) To stop the server: (take-off-stop) emacs will be available at : `http://:/` Error ----- If the error `Caught Error: (void-function symbol-macrolet)` occurs you need to execute `(require 'cl)` before using take-off. This issue is fixed in emacs 24.4.