Tabula Rasa was inspired by darkroom-mode.el, WriteRoom, and all of the other distraction free tools. It was developed out of the need for a more customizable distraction free mode for Emacs. ; Installation Install through Melpa or put this file in your common lisp files dir (e.g. .emacs.d/site-lisp) Regardless, put the following in your Emacs configuration file (e.g. .emacs) file: (require 'tabula-rasa) Type M-x tabula-rasa-mode to toggle the mode. For customization of colors, etc, type M-x customize-group RET tabula-rasa RET Customization options include: - Text font and colors. - Cursor and region colors. - Column width - Line spacing - Minor modes to enable or disable for Tabula Rasa - Whether or not to antialias text (experimental)