* English word stemmer This library stems an English word, based on the algorithm described in the paper "An algorithm for suffix stripping (M.F.Porter)". Function `stem-english (str)' returns a list of possible stems in order of string length. This is a re-written version of `stem.el' originally written by Tsuchiya Masatoshi, to be compatible with modern Emacs, removing all compiler warnings by explicitly defining lexicographically bounded variables. [original Japanese document] 論文『An algorithm for suffix stripping (M.F.Porter)』に記述されて いるアルゴリズムに基づいて、英単語の語尾を取り除くためのライブラリ。 利用及び再配布の際は、GNU 一般公用許諾書の適当なバージョンにしたがっ て下さい。 一次配布元 http://www-nagao.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/member/tsuchiya/sdic/index.html