Provides two functions. These are: `spotlight' prompts for a query string and searches the spotlight database with dynamic updates for each new character entered. You'll be given a list of files that match. Selecting a file will launch `swiper' for that file searching for the query string. Alternatively, the user can use M-RET to dynamically filter the list of matching files to reduce the number of matches before selecting a file. `spotlight-fast' is the same as `spotlight' but the user is prompted for a query string to search the spotlight database without incremental updates. This can be much faster than `spotlight'. The list of matching files containing the query string in their bodies are presented and the user can select the file or type a string to dynamically filter the list of files by filename. The selected file is then opened and a `swiper' search using the original query is launched. Customise the variable `spotlight-min-chars' to set the minimum number of characters that must be entered before the first spotlight search is performed in `spotlight'. Setting `spotlight-min-chars' to a lower number will result in more matches and can lead to slow performance. Customise the variable `spotlight-default-base-dir' to specify the default base directory for the spotlight search for both `spotlight' and `spotlight-live'. The spotlight database will be queried for files below this directory. Default is user's home directory. Use '/' to search everywhere. Alternatively, both `spotlight' and `spotlight-fast' can be called with a prefix argument, in which case they will prompt for a base directory. Credits: Some of the code is based on parts of counsel.el by Oleh Krehel at The dynamic filtering is done with the ivy library by the same author Thanks to commenters on for feedback on an early version of the package