This package extends `shr' / `eww' with org features and analysis capability. It can be used in `dash-docs', `eww', `nov.el', `mu4e', `anki.el', etc. - Configurable org-like heading faces, headline bullets, item bullets, paragraph indentation, fill-column, item bullet, versatile hyper links(http/https/file/mailto/etc) face and so on. - Browse the internet or local html file with `eww' just like org mode. - Read dash docsets with `dash-docs' and the beauty of org faces. - Read epub files with `nov.el' , just like org mode. - Read html email with `mu4e' , the same reading experience just like org mode without formatting html to org file. - Switch/jump the headlines just like org-mode in `eww' and `nov.el' with `imenu' - Toggle/cycle the headlines just like org-mode in `eww' and `nov.el' with `outline-minor-mode' and `org-cycle'/`org-shifttab' - Analysis capability: - Headline analysis: List all headlines with clickable texts. - URL analysis: List all classified URL with clickable texts. - Export HTML buffer to an org file using shr engine (no Pandoc is needed).