This is a notification system for rcirc that uses jwiegley's `alert' for sending notifications transparently across platforms. It was born out of the frustrations caused by the rcirc-notify.el non-maintenance plus the need of tight integration with rcirc existing mechanisms such as `rcirc-keywords' and `rcirc-ignore-list'. Three types of notifications are provided: keywords, nickname mentions and private messages. Each have a severity setting called `rcirc-alertify-keywords-severity' `rcirc-alertify-me-severity' and `rcirc-alertify-privmsg-severity' respectively. Event flooding is prevented with the `rcirc-alertify-nickname-timeout' variable which is the time in seconds for which notifications will be ignored in case same events are happening for a given user. If keywords notifications are not desired, they can be easily deactivated by toggling `rcirc-alertify-keywords-p'. Finally, if you are a new user of alert.el, you might need to set your preferred notifier, here is an example config for libnotify: (setq alert-default-style 'libnotify) ; Installation: The recommended installation method is using `package-install'. After that's done, just add this to your .emacs: (rcirc-alertify-enable) If you go the hard way, you need a copy of alert.el and add both files to your `load-path' and require rcirc-alertify.