`pyimpsort.el' sort the python imports of a file. Currently uses [pyimpsort.py](pyimpsort.py) to process the way to sort python imports. ; Setup Add the following snippet to your `init.el': (require 'pyimpsort) (eval-after-load 'python '(define-key python-mode-map "\C-c\C-u" #'pyimpsort-buffer)) ; Troubleshooting: + **Doesn't sort correctly third party libraries** `pyimpsort.el' tries to identify the third party libraries if are installed in in the PYTHONPATH, if a package is not installed it is assumed that belongs to the application. `pyimpsort.el' also tries to identify if a python virtualenv is activated. ; Related projects: + [isort][] ([emacs integration](https://github.com/paetzke/py-isort.el)) [isort]: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort