`pulseaudio-control' controls PulseAudio volumes from Emacs, via `pactl`. ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Issues](#issues) - [License](#license) ## Installation Install [pulseaudio-control from MELPA](http://melpa.org/#/pulseaudio-control), or put `pulseaudio-control.el` in your load-path and do a `(require 'pulseaudio-control)'. ## Usage Initially, the `pulseaudio-control' keymap is not bound to any prefix. You can call the command `pulseaudio-control-default-keybindings' to use the prefix `C-x /' to access the `pulseaudio-control' keymap globally; if you wish to use this prefix by default, add the line: (pulseaudio-control-default-keybindings) to your init file. The default keybindings in the `pulseaudio-control' keymap are: * `+` : Increase the volume of the currently-selected sink by `pulseaudio-control-volume-step' (`pulseaudio-control-increase-sink-volume'). * `=` : Increase the volume of the currently-selected source by `pulseaudio-control-volume-step' (`pulseaudio-control-increase-source-volume'). * `-` : Decrease the volume of the currently-selected sink by `pulseaudio-control-volume-step' (`pulseaudio-control-decrease-sink-volume'). * `_` : Decrease the volume of the currently-selected source by `pulseaudio-control-volume-step' (`pulseaudio-control-decrease-source-volume'). * `v` : Directly specify the volume of the currently-selected sink (`pulseaudio-control-set-sink-volume'). The value can be: * a percentage, e.g. '10%'; * in decibels, e.g. '2dB'; * a linear factor, e.g. '0.9' or '1.1'. * `V` : Directly specify the volume of the currently-selected source (`pulseaudio-control-set-source-volume'). The value can be: * a percentage, e.g. '10%'; * in decibels, e.g. '2dB'; * a linear factor, e.g. '0.9' or '1.1'. * `m` : Toggle muting of the currently-selected sink (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-current-sink-mute'). * `M` : Toggle muting of the currently-selected source (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-current-source-mute'). * `x` : Toggle muting of a sink, specified by index (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-sink-mute-by-index'). * `X` : Toggle muting of a source, specified by index (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-source-mute-by-index'). * `e` : Toggle muting of a sink, specified by name (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-sink-mute-by-name'). * `E` : Toggle muting of a source, specified by name (`pulseaudio-control-toggle-source-mute-by-name'). * `i` : Select a sink to be the current sink, specified by index (`pulseaudio-control-select-sink-by-index'). * `I` : Select a source to be the current sink, specified by index (`pulseaudio-control-select-source-by-index'). * `n` : Select a sink to be the current sink, specified by name (`pulseaudio-control-select-sink-by-name'). * `N` : Select a source to be the current source, specified by name (`pulseaudio-control-select-source-by-name'). * `d` : Display volume of the currently-selected sink (`pulseaudio-control-display-volume'). * `]` : Toggle use of @DEFAULT_SINK@ for volume operations (`pulseaudio-control-default-sink-mode'). * `[` : Toggle use of @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ for volume operations (`pulseaudio-control-default-source-mode'). Customisation options, including `pulseaudio-control-volume-step', are available via the `pulseaudio-control' customize-group. ## Issues / bugs If you discover an issue or bug in `pulseaudio-control' not already noted: * as a TODO item, or * in [the project's "Issues" section on GitHub](https://github.com/flexibeast/pulseaudio-control/issues), please create a new issue with as much detail as possible, including: * which version of Emacs you're running on which operating system, and * how you installed `pulseaudio-control'. ## License [GNU General Public License version 3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), or (at your option) any later version.