Simple treemacs backend for project.el ;; Installation ;;; MELPA If you installed from MELPA, you're done. ;;; Manual Install these required packages: `treemacs' Then put this file in your load-path, and put this in your init file: (require 'project-treemacs) Or using `use-package': (use-package project-treemacs :demand t :after treemacs :load-path "path/to/project-treemacs") ;; Usage Enable the backend with `project-treemacs-mode' With the `treemacs' side panel visible, use any of the `project.el' project management commands as you normally would. Treemacs projects map to project.el projects Treemacs workspaces map project.el projects + project external roots `project-find-file', `project-switch-to-buffer', `project-find-regexp' et al operate on the current treemacs project. `project-or-external-find-file', and `project-or-external-find-regexp' operate on the current treemacs workspace. ;; Tips You can customize settings in the `project-treemacs' group.