`prism' disperses Lisp forms (and other syntax bounded by parentheses, brackets, and braces) into a spectrum of color by depth. It's similar to `rainbow-blocks', but it respects existing non-color face properties, and allows flexible configuration of faces and colors. It also optionally colorizes strings and/or comments by code depth in a similar, customizable way. Usage: 1. Run the appropriate command for the current buffer: - For Lisp and C-like languages, use `prism-mode'. - For significant-whitespace languages like Python, or ones whose depth is not always indicated by parenthetical characters, like shell, use `prism-whitespace-mode' instead. 2. Enjoy. When a theme is loaded or disabled, colors are automatically updated. To customize, see the `prism' customization group, e.g. by using "M-x customize-group RET prism RET". For example, by default, comments and strings are colorized according to depth, similarly to code, but this can be disabled. Advanced: More advanced customization of faces is done by calling `prism-set-colors', which can override the default settings and perform additional color manipulations. The primary argument is COLORS, which should be a list of colors, each of which may be a name, a hex RGB string, or a face name (of which the foreground color is used). Note that the list of colors need not be as long as the number of faces that's actually set (e.g. the default is 16 faces), because the colors are automatically repeated and adjusted as necessary. If `prism-set-colors' is called with the SAVE argument, the results are saved to customization options so that `prism-mode' will use those colors by default. Here's an example that the author finds pleasant: (prism-set-colors :num 16 :desaturations (cl-loop for i from 0 below 16 collect (* i 2.5)) :lightens (cl-loop for i from 0 below 16 collect (* i 2.5)) :colors (list "sandy brown" "dodgerblue" "medium sea green") :comments-fn (lambda (color) (prism-blend color (face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face :foreground) 0.25)) :strings-fn (lambda (color) (prism-blend color "white" 0.5)))