This library implements an RSS 2.0 back-end for Org exporter, based on the `html' back-end. It requires Emacs 24.1 at least. It provides two commands for export, depending on the desired output: `org-rss-export-as-rss' (temporary buffer) and `org-rss-export-to-rss' (as a ".xml" file). This backend understands three new option keywords: #+RSS_EXTENSION: xml #+RSS_IMAGE_URL: #+RSS_FEED_URL: It uses #+HTML_LINK_HOME: to set the base url of the feed. Exporting an Org file to RSS modifies each top-level entry by adding a PUBDATE property. If `org-rss-use-entry-url-as-guid', it will also add an ID property, later used as the guid for the feed's item. The top-level headline is used as the title of each RSS item unless an RSS_TITLE property is set on the headline. You typically want to use it within a publishing project like this: (add-to-list 'org-publish-project-alist '("homepage_rss" :base-directory "~/myhomepage/" :base-extension "org" :rss-image-url "" :html-link-home "" :html-link-use-abs-url t :rss-extension "xml" :publishing-directory "/home/guerry/public_html/" :publishing-function (org-rss-publish-to-rss) :section-numbers nil :exclude ".*" ;; To exclude all files... :include ("") ;; ... except :table-of-contents nil)) ... then rsync /home/guerry/public_html/ with your server. By default, the permalink for a blog entry points to the headline. You can specify a different one by using the :RSS_PERMALINK: property within an entry.