Bring animation like in Beamer into your org-tree-slide presentations! Manual installation: Download the org-tree-slide-pauses.el. Add the path to the `load-path' variable and load it. This can be added to the .emacs initialization file: (add-to-list 'load-path "path-to-where-the-el-file-is") (require 'org-tree-slide-pauses) Usage: - List items and enumerations works automatically. - Add one of the following to create a pause: # pause #+pause: #+beamer: \pause When you start to presenting with `org-tree-slide-mode' the text between pauses will appear with the "shadow" face. Use the C-> (M-x `org-tree-slide-move-next-tree') to show one by one. If there is no more text to reveal, the same command will show the next slide/title like usual.