This file provides a minor mode, `org-ref-prettify-mode', that is supposed to be used with `org-ref' package. After enabling this mode (with "M-x org-ref-prettify-mode" command), you will see that the citation org-ref links in the current buffer are shown in a more readable format, e.g.: [[cite:&CoxeterPG2ed pg 53]] -> Coxeter, 1987, p. 53 [[citetitle:&CoxeterPG2ed ch 3]] -> Projective Geometry ch 3 [[parencite:&CoxeterPG2ed 36-44]] -> (Coxeter, 1987, pp. 36-44) [[citeauthor:See &GorFG; &RotITG; &AschFGT2ed]] -> See Gorenstein; Rotman; Aschbacher The citation links themselves are not changed, they are just displayed differently. You can disable the mode by running "M-x org-ref-prettify-mode" again, and you see the original links. Also, this file provides 2 more commands: - `org-ref-prettify-edit-link-at-point', - `org-ref-prettify-edit-link-at-mouse'. They allow you to edit the current link in the minibuffer. By default, they are bound to C-RET and the right mouse click respectively. But you can disable these bindings with: (setq org-ref-prettify-bind-edit-keys nil) To install this package manually, add the following to your Emacs init file: (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org-ref-prettify") (autoload 'org-ref-prettify-mode "org-ref-prettify" nil t)