*Notice:* This package is now deprectated and will be removed from MELPA around 18 March 2024. Please use `org-cite-overlay-sidecar' (https://git.sr.ht/~swflint/org-cite-overlay) in its place, which does roughly the same thing, but in a more flexible way, and can utilize information from the `org-cite-overlay' package (same URL). This package can be used to show an Org-Mode document's citations in `universal-sidecar'. This is done through the use of `citeproc' and can be shown quite flexibly. A minimum configuration is as follows: (setq universal-sidecar-citeproc-locales "~/.emacs.d/csl-data/locales/" ;; set to your directories for locale and style data universal-sidecar-citeproc-styles "~/.emacs.d/csl-data/styles/") (add-to-list 'universal-sidecar-sections 'org-cite-sidecar) It is important to set the `universal-sidecar-citeproc-locales' and `universal-sidecar-citeproc-styles' variables to the directories where you have cloned the CSL locale and style data repositories (see docstrings for links). Additionally, there are two arguments to the section which are not exposed as customization variables: - `:style' allows you to select a prefered CSL style within `universal-sidecar-citeproc-styles'. Default is `universal-sidecar-citeproc-default-style'. - `:header' allows you to change the header of the section from the default "References".