org-agenda-property is a package which displays the properties of an org item beside (or below) the item's title in the agenda buffer. Customize the variable `org-agenda-property-list' to add which properties you which to show. ; Instructions: INSTALLATION If you installed from Melpa, you shouldn't need to do anything else. Just customize `org-agenda-property-list' and call your agenda buffer (tipically `org-agenda-list') to see the magic. If you installed manually, just make sure it's in your load-path and call (require 'org-agenda-property) Variables All variables can be edited by running `org-agenda-property-customize' (seriously, chech it out, they are just a few :-)). The documentations are mostly self explanatory, I list here only the most important two. `org-agenda-property-list' This should be a list of all properties you want displayed in the buffer. Default is "LOCATION". `org-agenda-property-position' This is where you want the properties to be displayed (besides the title or below the title?).