Major mode for editing Octo source code. A high level assembly language for the Chip8 virtual machine. See: The mode could most likely have benefited from deriving asm-mode as Octo is an assembly language. However part of the reasoning behind creating this mode was learning more about Emacs' internals. The language is simple enough to allow the mode to be quite compact anyways. Much inspiration was taken from yaml-mode so there might be similarities in the source structure and naming choices. ; Installation: The easiest way to install octo-mode is from melpa. Assuming MELPA is added to your archive list you can list the available packages by typing M-x list-packages, look for octo-mode, mark it for installation by typing 'i' and then execute (install) by typing 'x'. Or install it directly with M-x package-install RET octo-mode. If you want to install it manually, just drop this file anywhere in your `load-path'. Be default octo-mode associates itself with the *.8o file ending. You can enable the mode manually by M-x octo-mode RET.