Multistate mode is basically an evil-mode without vi. It allows to define states for modal editing. Unlike evil-mode it doesn't come with predefined states and key bindings, doesn't set hooks but allows you to configure your system from the ground up. See README for more details. The following example recreates some of evil-mode states keybindings Note: in this example ` key is used instead of ESC to return to normal state. (use-package multistate :hook ;; enable selection is Visual state (multistate-visual-state-enter . (lambda () (set-mark (point)))) (multistate-visual-state-exit . deactivate-mark) ;; enable overwrite-mode in Replace state (multistate-replace-state-enter . overwrite-mode) (multistate-replace-state-exit . (lambda () (overwrite-mode 0))) :init ;; Emacs state (multistate-define-state 'emacs :lighter "E") ;; Insert state (multistate-define-state 'insert :lighter "I" :cursor 'bar :parent 'multistate-emacs-state-map) ;; Normal state (multistate-define-state 'normal :default t :lighter "N" :cursor 'hollow :parent 'multistate-suppress-map) ;; Replace state (multistate-define-state 'replace :lighter "R" :cursor 'hbar) ;; Motion state (multistate-define-state 'motion :lighter "M" :cursor 'hollow :parent 'multistate-suppress-map) ;; Visual state (multistate-define-state 'visual :lighter "V" :cursor 'hollow :parent 'multistate-motion-state-map) ;; Enable multistate-mode globally (multistate-global-mode 1) :bind (:map multistate-emacs-state-map ("C-z" . multistate-normal-state)) (:map multistate-insert-state-map ("`" . multistate-normal-state)) (:map multistate-normal-state-map ("C-z" . multistate-emacs-state) ("i" . multistate-insert-state) ("R" . multistate-replace-state) ("v" . multistate-visual-state) ("m" . multistate-motion-state) ("/" . search-forward) ("?" . search-backward) ("x" . delete-char) ("X" . backward-delete-char)) (:map multistate-motion-state-map ("`" . multistate-normal-state) ("h" . backward-char) ("j" . next-line) ("k" . previous-line) ("l" . forward-char) ("^" . move-beginning-of-line) ("$" . move-end-of-line) ("gg" . beginning-of-buffer) ("G" . end-of-buffer)) (:map multistate-replace-state-map ("`" . multistate-normal-state)))