This is a simple API client for Emacs and marmalade-repo, based on Nic Ferrier's lexical scope `web' client. Mainly this is useful because it lets you upload a package to marmalade-repo. If you open a buffer with a package file in it you just have to: M-x marmalade-upload [RET] and enter your username and password and you're away. If you're not in a package buffer then marmalade-client will ask you what your package file is. This means you can also upload multi-file packages. It also allows removal of packages. Again you need to have a login, you also need to be assigned an owner of a package: M-x marmalade-remove-package [RET] marmalade does completion of package names based on what your Emacs has downloaded from marmalade. If a package is missing perhaps you need to: M-x package-refresh-packages [RET] and try again. You can also add owners to your package: M-x marmalade-client-add-owner [RET] This makes it easier to distribute the management of releases and also to hand off a package when you get tired of maintaining it.