Letterbox-mode is a simple minor mode to add letterboxing to sensitive text. Select a region of text you want to censor and call M-x letterbox-add, the selected region will be letterboxed/censored. Call M-x letterbox-remove to remove all letterboxes, or M-x to toggle the letterboxes (without removing them). Some use cases: This is a buffer with some sensitive information. 123456 is the password for my bank account, and qwerty is my account name. please don't read it. Select "123456" and call letterbox-add, you will see that part letterboxed: This is a buffer with some sensitive information. ██████ is the password for my bank account, and qwerty is my account name. please don't read it. Select "qwerty" and call letterbox-add again, you will see that part letterboxed as well: This is a buffer with some sensitive information. ██████ is the password for my bank account, and ██████ is my account name. please don't read it. Call letterbox-toggle to hide/show the sensitive text, or letterbox-remove to remove them.