Latexdiff.el is a backend for [Latexdiff]( latexdiff requires Emacs-24.4 or later and optionnaly [Helm]( Configuration: latexdiff faces and behaviour can be customized through the customization panel : `(customize-group 'latexdiff)` Latexdiff.el does not define default keybindings, so you may want to add some using `define-key`. Basic usage File to file diff: - `latexdiff` will ask for two tex files and generates a tex diff between them (that you will need to compile). Version diff (git repo only): - `latexdiff-vc` (and `helm-latexdiff-vc`) will ask for a previous commit number and make a pdf diff between this version and the current one. - `latexdiff-vc-range` (and `helm-latexdiff-vc-range`) will ask for two commits number and make a pdf diff between those two versions.