This file provides `koopa-mode', a major mode for Microsoft PowerShell The name is derived from the Paper Mario series, a spin-off of the Super Mario franchise, in which the Koopas have a move called "Power Shell" Usage: Installing via MELPA To install `koopa-mode' via MELPA, use the following command: M-x package-install RET koopa-mode RET Then add the following to your init.el: (require 'koopa-mode) Installing Manually To install `koopa-mode' manually, add the following to your init.el: (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/koopa-mode") (require 'koopa-mode) Fila Associations To associate PowerShell files with `koopa-mode', add the following to your init.el: (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ps1\\'" . koopa-mode))