Ivy integration with the clipboard manager, clipmenu. Essentially, clipmenu turns your system clipboard into a list. To use this module, you must first install clipmenu and ensure that the clipmenud daemon is running. Refer to the installation instructions at https://github.com/cdown/clipmenu for those details. This module intentionally does not define any keybindings since I'd prefer not to presume my users' preferences. Personally, I use EXWM as my window manager, so I call `exwm-input-set-key' and map it to `ivy-clipmenu-copy'. Usually clipmenu integrates with rofi or dmenu. This Emacs module integrates with ivy. Launch this when you want to select a clip. Clipmenu itself supports a variety of environment variables that allow you to customize its behavior. These variables are respected herein. If you'd prefer to customize clipmenu's behavior from within Emacs, refer to the variables defined in this module. For more information: - See `clipmenu --help`. - Visit github.com/cdown/clipmenu.