Quick intro Major mode for the ISLisp programming language With features like: ISLisp major-mode with custom map keybindings Inferior-mode for REPL integration Syntax highlighting Interactive REPL commands (eg: islisp-eval-defun) Interactive ISLispHyperDraft documentation search Implementations support (Easy-ISLisp) Imenu support Advance features (autocompletions, tags support and symbol navigation) To install this To install, put this repository somewhere in your Emacs load path, and add a require to your main Emacs elisp file: (require 'islisp-mode) To add a custom location to the load path: (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/islisp-mode/") WARNING: This major-mode binds the .lsp files to ISLisp mode If you are a Common Lisp hacker that is using Lisp Server Pages, feel free to remove the last line of the islisp-mode.el file