Gone are the days when images jumps in and out of the window when scrolling! This package makes scrolling over images as if the image is made of many lines, instead of a single line. (Indeed, sliced image with default scrolling has the similar behavior as what this package provides.) To use this package: M-x iscroll-mode RET This mode remaps mouse scrolling functions and `next/previous-line'. If you use other commands, you need to adapt them accordingly. See `iscroll-mode-map' and `iscroll-mode' for some inspiration. You probably don't want to enable this in programming modes because it is slower than normal scrolling commands. If a line is taller than double the default line height, smooth scrolling is triggered and Emacs will reveal one line’s height each time. Commands provided: - iscroll-up - iscroll-down - iscroll-next-line - iscroll-previous-line