*insert-esv is an Emacs package for inserting ESV Bible passages.* ** Installation insert-esv is available on [[https://melpa.org/#/getting-started][MELPA]]. To install it, run ~M-x package-install RET insert-esv RET~. Alternatively, clone this repo and run ~M-x package-install-file RET RET~. ** Usage 1. Grab an API key from [[https://api.esv.org/docs/][Crossway]]. 2. Add the API key to your init file: ~(setq insert-esv-crossway-api-key "")~. 3. Set a keybind in your init file: ~(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-e") #'insert-esv-passage)~. 4. Once invoked, enter a Bible reference and hit ~RET~ to insert it at point. *** Example configuration You can include this [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]] config in place of Steps 2 and 3. In addition, it contains suggested preferences for attribution, headings, and line length. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (use-package insert-esv :init (setq insert-esv-crossway-api-key "") (setq insert-esv-include-short-copyright 'true) (setq insert-esv-include-headings 'true) (setq insert-esv-include-passage-horizontal-lines 'false) (setq insert-esv-line-length '50) :bind ("C-x C-e" . insert-esv-passage)) #+END_SRC ** Options - This package contains support for the optional parameters in Crossway's [[https://api.esv.org/docs/passage-text/][Passage Text API]]. - You can customise these parameters in your init file. - Make sure to prefix each parameter with the package name: ~(setq insert-esv-include-headings 'true)~. ** Disclaimer - insert-esv is licensed under [[https://github.com/sam030820/insert-esv/blob/master/COPYING][GPLv3]] and copyright sam030820 and [[https://github.com/sam030820/insert-esv/contributors][contributors]]. - Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible, copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.