Edit, create and view your GitHub gists. Usage `igist-dispatch' - Invoke transient menu with the list of available commands. Tabulated display: M-x `igist-list-gists' - Display your gists as table. M-x `igist-list-other-user-gists' - Display public gists of any user. M-x `igist-explore-public-gists' - List public gists sorted. Completions display: M-x `igist-edit-list' Read Gist to edit from the minibuffer. ; Create commands: M-x `igist-create-new-gist' Create the editable gist buffer with the content of the current buffer. M-x `igist-new-gist-from-buffer' Setup new gist buffer whole buffer contents. M-x `igist-list-add-file' Add new file name to gist at point. M-x `igist-fork-gist' Fork gist at point in `igist-list-mode' or currently opened. M-x `igist-post-files' Post multiple files to Gist. If there are marked files in the Dired buffer, use them; otherwise, read the directory in the minibuffer with completions and then read multiple files. Delete commands: M-x `igist-delete-current-gist' Delete current gist with all files. M-x `igist-delete-current-filename' Delete current file from gist. M-x `igist-delete-other-gist-or-file' (gist) Delete GIST with id. M-x `igist-kill-all-gists-buffers' Delete all gists buffers. ; Edit commands: M-x `igist-list-view-current' Fetch tabulated gist entry at point. M-x `igist-list-edit-gist-at-point-async' (&optional _entry) Open tabulated GIST-ITEM at point in edit buffer. M-x `igist-browse-gist' Browse gist at point or currently open. M-x `igist-save-current-gist-and-exit' Save current gist. M-x `igist-save-current-gist' Save current gist. M-x `igist-read-filename' (&rest _args) Update filename for current gist without saving. M-x `igist-read-description' (&rest _args) Update description for current gist without saving. M-x `igist-add-file-to-gist' Add new file to existing gist. M-x `igist-toggle-public' (&rest _) Toggle value of variable `igist-current-public'. M-x `igist-list-edit-description' (&rest _) Edit description for current gist at point in tabulated list mode. Comments commands: M-x `igist-post-comment' Post current comment. M-x `igist-delete-comment-at-point' (&rest _) Add or edit comment for gist at point or edit buffer. M-x `igist-add-or-edit-comment' (&rest _) Add or edit comment for gist at point or edit buffer. M-x `igist-add-comment' (&rest _) Add new comment for gist. M-x `igist-load-comments' (&rest _) Load comments for gist at point or edit buffer. User commands: M-x `igist-change-user' (&rest _) Change user for retrieving gist. ; Customization - `igist-current-user-name': This variable should be set to a string that contains your GitHub username. - `igist-auth-marker': This variable can either be a string that contains the OAuth token or a symbol indicating where to retrieve the OAuth token. - `igist-message-function': A custom function for displaying messages. Should accept the same arguments as the `message' function. - `igist-per-page-limit': The number of results displayed per page should be a value ranging between 30 to 100. The default value is 30. - `igist-ask-for-description': Determines when to prompt for a description before posting new gists. The default setting prompts for a description before saving a new gist. - `igist-enable-copy-gist-url-p': Specifies whether and when to add the URL of a new or updated gist to the kill ring. The default setting is after the creation of new gists. - `igist-list-format': Specifies the format of the user's Tabulated Gists buffers. - `igist-explore-format': Specifies the format of the Explore Public Gists tabulated buffers. ; Keymaps `igist-comments-list-mode-map' A keymap used for displaying comments. `igist-list-mode-map' Keymap used in tabulated gists views. `igist-comments-edit-mode-map' Keymap for posting and editing comments. `igist-edit-mode-map' Keymap used in edit gist buffers.