This modes puts indentation highlights below the starting character of a line on subsequent lines, like this: some line | some other line | | another line | | | an indented line | fourth line final line This works in every mode, but is more useful in haskell, which doesn't require indentation levels to be at multiples of a specific level. If the minor mode `hl-indent-mode-blocks' is on, this mode will instead highlight blocks of indentation like so: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx oooooooooooo oooooooooooo ******* ******* ********** oooooooooooo ********** xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (where different symbols represent different colours). To use: Enable `hl-indent-mode'. There is also `hl-indent-mode-blocks', but it is less useful because of limited color contrast, depending on face settings. Screenshot: ![Screenshot](screenshot.png "Screenshot") Notes: - You can customize faces `hl-indent-face' (which is `fringe' by default), and also `hl-indent-block-face-1', from 1 to 6. - To easily see where `hl-indent-mode' puts its highlights, use the function `hl-indent--debug-faces' together with either `hl-indent-mode' or `hl-indent-mode-blocks'. - FIXME The mode will refuse to turn on in a very very large file, because right now it examines every single line once, which can take too long. - FIXME Indentation highlights override any non-trivial background. This is a problem for things like comments that might have a background different from the default background. It also conflicts with other highlights, like hl-line-mode.