A helm interface for git hunks - browsing, staging, unstaging and killing. Enable `helm-follow-mode' and trigger `helm-hunks' and jump around unstaged hunks like never before with `C-n' and `C-p'. Stage with `C-s'. Run `helm-hunks-current-buffer' to jump around the current buffer only. Run `helm-hunks-staged' to jump around staged hunks, unstage with `C-u'. Run `helm-hunks-staged-current-buffer' to jump around staged hunks in the current buffer only. Kill hunks you wish undone with `C-k'. Preview hunk changes with `C-c C-p', and jump to hunks in "other window" or "other frame" with `C-c o' and `C-c C-o', respectively. Commit with `C-c C-c`, amend with `C-c C-a`. Quit with `C-c C-k'. Credits/inspiration: git-gutter+ - https://github.com/nonsequitur/git-gutter-plus/