A helm interface to chronos. `helm-chronos-add-timer' is a replacement for `chronos-add-timer' that offers two sources for predefined timers, or allows the entry of a new timer. The format for predefined and entered timers is: / See the chronos documentation for details of the expiry time specification, Helm gets possible matches from two sources: * Standard timers There is a predefined list helm-chronos-standard-timers, empty by default, which can be set in your init file like: (setq helm-chronos-standard-timers '( " 4/Tea" "=16:20/Time for tea")) In this example, two timers are offered as standard: one to go off in 4 minutes from when it is set, and another that will expire at 4:20pm today. * Recent timers As new timers are entered via helm-chronos, they are added to the recent timers list in the same format as the standard timers. This list is persistent by being saved to helm-chronos-recent-timers-file. Installation Put this file somewhere Emacs can find it and (require 'helm-chronos) For more information, see the info manual or website.