This mode enables interaction with a Home Assistant instance from within Emacs. -------------------- Configuration Both `hass-host' and `hass-apikey' must be set to use this package. (setq hass-host "") ; Required (setq hass-insecure t) ; If using HTTP and not HTTPS (setq hass-port 8123) ; If using a different port other than the default 8123 (setq hass-apikey "APIKEY-GOES-IN-HERE") ; Required. See below. Getting an API Key: Ensure that your Home Assistant instance is configured to support API calls by following the instructions here: `'. Retrieve your API key a.k.a. /Long-Lived Access Token/ by logging into your Home Assistant instance and going to your profile by selecting your username in the lower-left corner or going to this URL: `http://HOME-ASSISTANT-URL:8123/profile'. You can generate an API token at the very bottom of this page. -------------------- Usage Use `hass-call-service' to make service calls on the configured Home Assistant instance: (hass-call-service "switch.bedroom_light" "switch.toggle") Or use `hass-call-service-with-payload' to customize the payload: (hass-call-service-with-payload "mqtt.publish" (json-encode '(("payload" . "PERFORM") ("topic" . "valetudo/vacuum/LocateCapability/locate/set")))) See for more information.