Entering hardcore-mode will disable arrow keys, backspace and return. * Use C-f/b/p/n instead of right/left/up/down * Use C-h instead of backspace * Use C-m or C-j instead of return To use C-h instead of backspace, you might need to redefine C-h: ;; Use shell-like backspace C-h, rebind help to F1 (define-key key-translation-map [?\C-h] [?\C-?]) (global-set-key (kbd "") 'help-command) If hardcore-mode is too hardcore for you, you can add these before you require the mode: (setq too-hardcore-backspace t) (setq too-hardcore-return t) (require 'hardcore-mode) (global-hardcore-mode) These are the settings I am using at the time. Still not hardcore enough. ^^ Code: