Haki is an elegant, high-contrast dark theme in modern sense. Looks and distinguish-ability is maintained. Theme was inspired on modus-vivendi and minad's packages. You can use `haki-change-region' to interactively change `haki-region' face. You can set some fonts, as haki-theme inherit them in some sensible places like elfeed, org-mode, eww (shr) sample configuration (use-package haki-theme :custom-face (haki-region ((t (:background "#2e8b57" :foreground "#ffffff")))) (haki-highlight ((t (:background "#fafad2" :foreground "#000000")))) :config (setq ;; If you skip setting this, it will use 'default' font. haki-heading-font "Comic Mono" haki-sans-font "Iosevka Comfy Motion" haki-title-font "Impress BT" haki-link-font "VictorMono Nerd Font" ;; or Maple Mono looks good haki-code-font "Maple Mono") ;; inline code/verbatim (org,markdown..) ;; For meow/evil users (change border of mode-line according to modal states) (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'haki-modal-mode-line) (load-theme 'haki t))