Package to help adding information on commits by checking older commits and extracting a particular substring from each of them. Useful to follow organisation policies on how to write commits. The default command presents a searchable list of the previous commits (more recent first), and lets you select the one you want. This list of candidates is configurable via `git-msg-prefix-log-command`. Once selected, the relevant part of the commit line will be extracted from the choosen candidate via the regex in `git-msg-prefix-regex', and the matched text will be inserted in the current buffer. example configurations with use-package: (use-package git-msg-prefix :ensure t :config (setq git-msg-prefix-log-flags " --since='1 week ago' " git-msg-prefix-input-method 'helm-comp-read) (add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'git-msg-prefix)) bare configuration: (add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'git-msg-prefix) (setq git-msg-prefix-input-method 'helm-comp-read) Otherwise, add a keybinding to that function or run it manually from the minibuffer. (local-set-key (kbd "C-c i") 'git-msg-prefix) Configure There are 3 variables to configure: - ~git-msg-prefix-log-command~: defaults to "git log --pretty=format:\"%s\"" - ~git-msg-prefix-log-flags~: defaults to "" - ~git-msg-prefix-regex~: defaults to "^\\([^ ]*\\) " - ~git-msg-prefix-input-method~: defaults to ido-completing-read. Change it to your favourite input method. ('completing-read 'ido-completing-read 'helm-comp-read 'ivy-read)