This was inspired by and based on Tomohiro Matsuyama's fuzzy.el. This file defines a minor mode that allows flex matching in isearch-mode. The flex matching is very similar to the flex matching in ido mode (see `ido-enable-flex-matching'). Given an isearch string, it is transformed to a regexp that matches the original and also similar strings (basically, strings that contain the original characters in the same order, but possibly with other characters in between). You can redefine `flex-isearch-compile-regexp' to change this behavior. When `flex-isearch-mode' is enabled, the `flex-isearch-auto' variable controls when the flex matching is activated. See its docstring for details. Also, `isearch-forward' and `isearch-backward' are advised so that double prefix args (C-u C-u C-s) will use flex search. Le Wang has improved this by providing a better `flex-isearch-compile-regexp' and the advice on `isearch-toggle-regexp'.