Filetree is a package that provides a set of interactive file management tools. The core functionality is a file tree viewer which displays a file list as a directory tree in a special buffer. There are numerous interactive tools available to the user within this special buffer. In addition to this file tree viewer functionality, there is also a file note taking feature in the package. The file notes enable the user to write and display (org-mode) notes associated with individual files and directories. The note can be displayed in a side buffer either when cycling through files in the file tree viewer or when the file is open in a buffer. To use add the following to your ~/.emacs: (require 'filetree') To bring up a menu from which you can select a source for the filetree M-x filetree-load-cmd-menu Or use one of the following to run filetree for a common use case: M-x filetree-show-recentf-files M-x filetree-show-cur-dir M-x filetree-show-cur-dir-recursively M-x filetree-show-cur-buffers M-x filetree-show-vc-dir-recursively Use the following command to pull up the help transient for available commands M-x filetree-command-help -------------------------------------------