Funny Copy (Fcopy) is a minor mode to copy text; first, set the paste point, and next look for the text to copy. The past point is the point where fcopy-mode start. One stroke commands are prepared to search and copy the text. Copy commands automatically take the cursor back to the past point, insert the text, and exit fcopy-mode. `q' and `C-g' is for exit fcopy-mode. `?' for more help. If you want to move (cut) text, not to copy, type `C-d' to toggle on delete flag. If the buffer is originally read only, deleting and copying will fail. If some scratches are in your copy text, you can modify it before paste. Before the copy command, type `m' to toggle on modify flag. It prepares modify buffer, that you can modify the text with replacement or overwrite. See `fmodify-default-mode' or `C-h m' in the modify buffer. To insert modified text, type `C-cC-c'. `C-cC-q' for quit modifying, and paste nothing. forward backward Unit of Moving -------- -------- -------- C-f C-b character f b word a e line (beginning or end) n p line (next or previous) A E sentence (beginning or end) N P paragraph v V scroll (up or down) [space] [backspace] scroll (up or down) s r incremental search S R incremental search with regexp < > buffer (beginning or end) Jump Commands -------- g Go to line j Jump to register o To other window x Exchange point and mark , Pop mark ring Copy Commands -------- . Set mark c Copy character C Copy block w Copy word W Copy word (before copy, back to the beginning of word). k Copy line behind point like kill-line [return] Copy region (if there is), or kill whole line ( Copy text between pair (...) chars. ) Likewise, but not copy pair chars. C-c ( Copy text between parens. C-c ) Likewise, but not copy parens. m Toggle modify flag. C-d Toggle delete flag. The latest fcopy.el is available at: The other simple copy command is distributed with Emacs. See misc.el in your lisp directory. It copies characters from previous non-blank line, starting just above point. But remember, fcopy has no influences from misc.el. ; How to install: To install, put this in your .emacs file: (autoload 'fcopy "fcopy" "Copy lines or region without editing." t) And bind it to any key you like: (define-key mode-specific-map "k" 'fcopy) ; C-c k for fcopy ; Version and ChangeLog: